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; Set up 4K stack after this bootloader
; [Remember: Effective Address = Segment*16 + Offset]
mov ax, 0x7C0 ; Set 'ax' equal to the location of this bootloader divided by 16
add ax, 0x20 ; Skip over the size of the bootloader divided by 16
mov ss, ax ; Set 'ss' to this location (the beginning of our stack region)
mov sp, 8192 ; Set 'ss:sp' to the top of our 8K stack
; Set data segment to where we're loaded so we can implicitly access all 64K from here
mov ax, 0x7C0 ; Set 'ax' equal to the location of this bootloader divided by 16
mov ds, ax ; Set 'ds' to the this location
mov [disk_identifier], dl
; Print our message and stop execution
mov si, message ; Put address of the null-terminated string to output into 'si'
call print ; Call our string-printing routine
mov si, enter_debug_mode
call print
call printCRLF
; here goes wait call, for the user to enter debug mode.
xor ax, ax
mov ah, 0x01 ; BIOS call to wait for key
int 0x16
jnz debug_mode
; entering system check:
mov si, enter_system_check
mov si, sys_check_ok ; Put address of the null-terminated string to output into 'si'
call print ; Call our string-printing routine
mov si, boot_system ; Put address of the null-terminated string to output into 'si'
call print ; Call our string-printing routine
;This goes first as to now overwrite %ah and %al.
mov ax, 0x0
mov es, ax ;Section to write into
mov ah, 0x2 ;Read sectors from drive
mov al, 0xf ;Number of sectors to read (15 * 512 = 7680 bytes)
mov ch, 0x0 ;Low 8 bits of cylinder
mov cl, 0x3 ;First sector to read (bits 0-5), upper bits of cylinder (bits 6-7)
mov dh, 0x0 ;Head number
mov dl, [disk_identifier] ;0x0 ;Drive number
mov bx, 0x7e00 ;Offset into section
int 0x13 ;Low level disk services
;mov [0x7000], es ; saving retult of read
;Debug dump of loaded memory
;mov si, 500
;mov cx, 512
;call b_dumpmem
jnc notcarry
mov si, error_str
call print
jmp endcarrycheck
mov si, success_str
call print
call printCRLF
call printCRLF
; xor ax, ax
; mov al, [disk_identifier]
; call dumpax
mov dl, [disk_identifier]
mov ax, 0x7e0
mov ds, ax
jmp 0x7e0:0x00
cli ; Clear the Interrupt Flag (disable external interrupts)
hlt ; Halt the CPU (until the next external interrupt)
mov si, .welcome_debug
call print
cli ; Clear the Interrupt Flag (disable external interrupts)
.welcome_debug db 'This is debug mode', 0
message db 'Bootloader for SingOS! v0.0.3',13,10,0
enter_debug_mode db 'Press d to enter bootloader debug mode',13,10,0
enter_system_check db 'Performing system check:',13,10,0
sys_check_ok db 'System check ok', 13, 10, 0
boot_system db 'Read SingOS from disk', 13, 10, 0
error_str db 'Error', 0
success_str db 'Success', 0
disk_identifier db 0
; Routine for printing a 'ax' as hex
pusha ; save registers
mov bx, ax
mov ah, 0xE ; Teletype output
mov cx, 4 ; 4 nipples in a 16 bit word
rol bx, 4 ; rotate to next nipple
mov al, bl ; we copy to al because we need to mask only the low 4 bits
and al, 1111b ; Do the masking
add al, '0' ; convert to ASCII
cmp al, '9' ; If we are greater than 9 ascii, we add 7 to make digit 10 be represented as 'A'
jbe .skip ; -|-
add al, 7 ; -|-
.skip: ; -|-
int 0x10 ; BIOS call 'output'
loop .loop
popa ; restore registers
dumpax10: ; Prints ax as 16-bit decimal number
mov bx, 10 ; Divisor
mov cx, 5 ; Loop 5 times
.loop1: ; finds digits and pushes them to stack
xor dx, dx
div bx
add dl, '0'
push dx
loop .loop1
mov ah, 0xE
mov cx, 5 ; Loop 5 times
mov bl, '0'
.loop2: ; Pops from stack until it hits a non-'0' value. It then jumps to nonzero_nopop to print it.
pop dx
mov al, dl
cmp al, bl
jne .nonzero_nopop
loop .loop2
.nonzero_loop: ; Pops values from the stack and prints them.
pop dx
mov al, dl
.nonzero_nopop: ; Part of the loop that prints the value. Jump to here to print without popping on first iteration.
int 0x10
loop .nonzero_loop
dumpax10_rev: ; Prints ax as 16-bit decimal number in reverse
mov cx, 10 ; Divisor
xor dx, dx ; zero dx
div cx ; Divide dx:ax by 10 -> quotient in ax, remainder in dx
mov bx, ax ; save quotient in bx
mov al, dl ; put remainder in al
add al, '0' ; Make ASCII
mov ah, 0xE ; Set teletype output
int 0x10 ; BIOS: write one char
mov ax, bx
;test ax, ax
cmp ax, 0
jnz .loop
mov ah, 0xE
mov al, 13
int 0x10
mov al, 10
int 0x10
; Routine for outputting string in 'si' register to screen
mov ah, 0xE ; Specify 'int 0x10' 'teletype output' function
; [AL = Character, BH = Page Number, BL = Colour (in graphics mode)]
lodsb ; Load byte at address SI into AL, and increment SI
cmp al, 0
je .done ; If the character is zero (NUL), stop writing the string
int 0x10 ; Otherwise, print the character via 'int 0x10'
jmp .printchar ; Repeat for the next character
; b_dumpmem:
; push ax
; push dx
; call printCRLF
; shr cx, 1
; xor dx, dx ; zero dx
; .loop:
; cmp dx, cx
; jae .end
; mov ax, word [esi + 2*edx]
; call dumpax
; mov ax, 0xe20
; int 0x10
; inc dx
; jmp .loop
; .end:
; pop dx
; pop ax
; ret
; Pad to 510 bytes (boot sector size minus 2) with 0s, and finish with the two-byte standard boot signature
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55 ; => 0x55 0xAA (little endian byte order)
; bootloder debug_mode goes here
times 1024-($-$$) db 0
; From Version 0.0.3 we are concatinate the bootloader and the kernel after compile time
;%include "kernel.nasm"
;times 8192-($-$$) db 0