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29 regels
635 B

0x0000: cli
0x0001: mov ax, 0x1000
0x0004: mov ss, ax
0x0006: mov sp, 0xb000
0x0009: mov ax, 0
0x000c: mov ds, ax
0x000e: mov es, ax
0x0010: sti
0x0011: mov si, 0x7c00
0x0014: mov di, 0x600
0x0017: mov cx, 0x200
0x001a: rep movsb byte ptr es:[di], byte ptr [si]
0x001c: ljmp 0:0x621
0x0021: mov si, 0x7be
0x0024: cmp byte ptr [si], al
0x0026: jne 0x33
0x0028: add si, 0x10
0x002b: cmp si, 0x7fe
0x002f: jne 0x24
0x0031: jmp 0x49
0x0033: mov ah, 2
0x0035: mov al, 1
0x0037: mov bx, 0x7c00
0x003a: mov dl, 0x80
0x003c: mov dh, byte ptr [si + 1]
0x003f: mov cx, word ptr [si + 2]
0x0042: int 0x13
0x0044: ljmp 0:0x7c00
0x0049: jmp 0x49