Procházet zdrojové kódy

Detect muliple active partitions

Rhodez-x před 5 roky
1 změnil soubory, kde provedl 76 přidání a 6 odebrání
  1. +76

+ 76
- 6
slrboot.nasm Zobrazit soubor

@ -32,18 +32,86 @@ relocated:
mov si, message ; Put address of the null-terminated string to output into 'si'
call print ; Call our string-printing routine
mov bx, [partition_1.start_LBA]
; Check for more than one active partition that we can start from.
xor bx, bx
xor cx, cx
mov ax, [partition_1.active_partition]
call dumpax
cmp ax, 0x80
jne check_p_2
mov bx, 0x01 ; Partion 1 active
inc cx
mov ax, [partition_2.active_partition]
cmp ax, 0x80
jne check_p_3
inc cx
mov bx, 0x02 ; Partion 2 active
mov ax, [partition_3.active_partition]
cmp ax, 0x80
jne check_p_4
inc cx
mov bx, 0x03 ; Partion 3 active
mov ax, [partition_4.active_partition]
cmp ax, 0x80
jne eval_active_partion_number
inc cx
mov bx, 0x04 ; Partion 4 active
cmp cx, 1
je boot_partition:
; here goes wait call, for the user to enter debug mode.
; Wating for 2 seconds:
mov ah, 0x86 ; code for waiting interupt call
mov cx, 0x001e ; high count of microseconds
mov dx, 0x8480 ; low count
int 0x15
xor ax, ax
mov ah, 0x01 ; BIOS call to wait for key
int 0x16
mov bx, 1
; IMPORTANT bx, has to hold the value 1-4 for the partiotion that wanted to be booted.
mov ax, partition_1
cmp bx, 1
je break
add ax, 0x10
dec bx
jmp .loop
add ax, 7 ; This is the offset to fetch the LBA start adress of the partition record
mov bx, [ax] ; first part of LBA
mov WORD [DAPACK.lba_addr_dw_low], bx
mov bx, [partition_1.start_LBA + 1]
inc ax ; next part
mov bx, [ax]
mov WORD [DAPACK.lba_addr_dw_low + 1], bx
mov bx, [partition_1.start_LBA + 2]
inc ax ; next part
mov bx, [ax]
mov WORD [DAPACK.lba_addr_dw_low + 2], bx
mov bx, [partition_1.start_LBA + 3]
inc ax ; next part
mov bx, [ax]
mov WORD [DAPACK.lba_addr_dw_low + 3], bx
mov WORD [DAPACK.blkcnt], 0x01
mov WORD [DAPACK.db_addr_segment], 0x0000
mov WORD [DAPACK.db_addr_offset], 0x7c00
mov si, DAPACK ; address of "disk address packet"
mov si, DAPACK ; address of "disk address packet"
xor ax, ax
mov ah, 0x42 ; READ
mov dl, [disk_identifier]
int 0x13
@ -194,8 +262,10 @@ message db 'SLRboot for SingOS! v0.2.0.3-exp',13,10,0
;boot_system db 'Read SingOS from disk', 13, 10, 0
;error_str db 'Error', 0
;success_str db 'Success', 0
boot_this_partition: dw 0
disk_identifier db 0
.dap_Size: db 0x10 ; This is always 16 bytes (0x10)
.rev_byte: db 0x0 ; reserved byte, should always be zero
@ -217,7 +287,7 @@ partition_1:
.size db 0x00, 0xC8, 0x03, 0x00
.active_partition db 0x00
.active_partition db 0x80
.start_CHS db 0x8C, 0x3E, 0x0F
.disk_type db 0x83
.end_CHS db 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF

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