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888 B

#include "containers.h"
Scrollbar_Container* Scrollbar_Container_Constructor(int x, int y, int width, int height, int blockheight) {
Scrollbar_Container* sb = malloc(sizeof(Scrollbar_Container));
sb->super.dimensions.x = x;
sb->super.dimensions.y = y;
sb->super.dimensions.w = width;
sb->super.dimensions.h = height;
sb->super.isdown = false;
sb->super.clickFunc = NULL;
sb->super.releaseFunc = NULL;
sb->super.drawFunc = NULL;
sb->bar.super.dimensions.x = x;
sb->bar.super.dimensions.y = y;
sb->bar.super.dimensions.w = width;
sb->bar.super.dimensions.h = blockheight;
sb->bar.super.isdown = false;
sb->bar.super.clickFunc = Dragable_ClickFunc;
sb->bar.super.releaseFunc = Dragable_ReleaseFunc;
sb->bar.super.drawFunc = NULL;
sb->bar.boundaries = &(sb->super.dimensions);
sb->bar.coordinatesToDrag = &(sb->bar.super.dimensions);
return sb;