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Disk Manager Utility is able to create new disk with correct format

Jørn Guldberg vor 5 Jahren
6 geänderte Dateien mit 50 neuen und 46 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. BIN
  2. BIN
  3. +48
  4. BIN
  5. +2
  6. BIN

SingOS.img Datei anzeigen

a.out Datei anzeigen

+ 48
- 45
lsfs_disk_controller.h Datei anzeigen

@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ int read_data_from_disk(lsfs_sector_offset index, uint32_t file_block_size, void
int write_data_to_disk_off(lsfs_sector_offset index, void* data_to_write, int offset);
int save_modified_file_information(lsfs_file* file);
#define SPACE_MBR_RECORD 2048; // Sectors
#define SPACE_VBR_RECORD 2048; // Sectors
#define SIZE_FSCI_RECORD 1; // Sectors
#define SPACE_MBR_RECORD 2048 // Sectors
#define SPACE_VBR_RECORD 2048 // Sectors
#define SIZE_FSCI_RECORD 1 // Sectors
#define SECTOR_SIZE 512 // BYTES
#define DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE 4 // This is in sectors
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ typedef struct Master_Boot_record
uint8_t offset_on_disk[446]; // The code for the bootloader
Partition_Entry partitions[4];
uint8_t master_tag_records[2]; // Signature
uint16_t mbr_signature; // Signature
} __attribute__((packed)) Master_Boot_record;
typedef struct struct_table_entry
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ typedef struct File_System_Control_Information
uint64_t next_sector_reuse_pointer;
uint64_t last_sector_index_on_partition;
uint64_t maximum_sectors_on_disk;
uint64_t sectors_size_on_disk;
uint64_t sector_size_on_disk;
uint64_t not_used[24];
} __attribute__((packed)) FSCI;
@ -396,8 +396,7 @@ int create_file_system(char* disk_name, char* hdd_or_partition, uint64_t filesys
// to master tag tables
// Second and forward is the pointers to the master Tag Tables
// we need the first number to allocate memory at one go.
int* zero_buffer;
FSCI fsci;
FSCI *fsci = calloc(1, sizeof(FSCI));
if (hdd_or_partition[0] == '1')
// This is the create hdd case
@ -408,13 +407,15 @@ int create_file_system(char* disk_name, char* hdd_or_partition, uint64_t filesys
// This is just a single partition
// And then the file system is the only thing in the system.
fsci.filesystem_information = "LSFS v0.2.0-exp\n(LessSimpelFileSystem)(Generated by the disk_manager_utility.c)\nDeveloped to SingOS\nby Jorn Guldberg\n";
fsci.this_partition_offset_on_disk = SPACE_VBR_RECORD;
fsci.master_table_index = fsci.this_partition_offset_on_disk + SIZE_FSCI_RECORD;
fsci.next_free_sector = fsci.master_table_index + DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE;
fsci.next_uniqe_id = 1;
fsci.next_sector_reuse_pointer = 0;
fsci.last_sector_index_on_partition = filesystem_size_in_MB * 2048; // Todo, this is the ssectors pr MB, this should not be hardcoded.
sprintf(fsci->filesystem_information, "LSFS v0.2.0-exp\n(LessSimpelFileSystem)(Generated by the disk_manager_utility.c)\nDeveloped to SingOS\nby Jorn Guldberg\n");
fsci->this_partition_offset_on_disk = SPACE_VBR_RECORD;
fsci->master_table_index = fsci->this_partition_offset_on_disk + SIZE_FSCI_RECORD;
fsci->next_free_sector = fsci->master_table_index + DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE;
fsci->next_uniqe_id = 1;
fsci->next_sector_reuse_pointer = 0;
fsci->last_sector_index_on_partition = filesystem_size_in_MB * 2048; // Todo, this is the ssectors pr MB, this should not be hardcoded.
fsci->maximum_sectors_on_disk = 0; //TODO(Jørn) Not in use yet
fsci->sector_size_on_disk = SECTOR_SIZE;
@ -422,28 +423,15 @@ int create_file_system(char* disk_name, char* hdd_or_partition, uint64_t filesys
//fsci.maximum_sectors_on_partition = 1048576; // Max 4GiB
fsci.next_free_sector = 257;
// Create disk on host system:
disk = fopen ( disk_name , "wb" );
// Start writing data to the disk
fseek ( disk , 0, SEEK_SET );
fwrite(&fsci, 1, sizeof(fsci), disk);
zero_buffer = calloc(1, (4096 - sizeof(fsci)));
fwrite(zero_buffer, 1, (4096 - sizeof(fsci)), disk);
table_entry master_table[DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE];
memset(master_table, 0, (DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE * sizeof(table_entry)));
write_data_to_disk(fsci->this_partition_offset_on_disk, 1, fsci);
fwrite(&master_table, 1, sizeof(master_table), disk);
zero_buffer = calloc(1, 16);
fwrite(zero_buffer, 1, 16, disk);
char* zero_buffer = calloc(1, (DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE));
write_data_to_disk(fsci->master_table_index, DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE, zero_buffer);
return 0;
@ -454,25 +442,40 @@ int lsfs_disk_load_disk() {
Master_Boot_record mbr;
fseek( disk , 0 * SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET );
fread(&mbr, 1, sizeof(mbr), disk);
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_MBR_PARTITIONS; ++i)
if (mbr.mbr_signature != 0xaa55 )
// TODO (Jørn) We maybe wnat to optimize, such that we can detect if we have more than one partition opn the system.
if (mbr.partitions[i].partition_type == 0x18)
// Means that it is a sigle partition we try to mount
fread(&p_control.fsci, 1, SECTOR_SIZE , disk);
//printf("next free sector: %d\n", p_control.fsci.next_free_sector);
//printf("next free ID: %d\n", p_control.fsci.next_uniqe_id);
// next we find the Mater Table.
fseek (disk, (p_control.fsci.master_table_index * SECTOR_SIZE), SEEK_SET );
fread(&p_control.master_table, 1, DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE , disk);
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_MBR_PARTITIONS; ++i)
printf("%d\n", mbr.partitions[i].LBA_abs_first_sector);
// TODO (Jørn) We maybe wnat to optimize, such that we can detect if we have more than one partition opn the system.
if (mbr.partitions[i].partition_type == 0x18)
printf("%d\n", mbr.partitions[i].LBA_abs_first_sector);
// First we find the File system control information.
fseek ( disk , mbr.partitions[i].LBA_abs_first_sector * SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET );
fread(&p_control.fsci, 1, SECTOR_SIZE , disk);
//printf("next free sector: %d\n", p_control.fsci.next_free_sector);
//printf("next free ID: %d\n", p_control.fsci.next_uniqe_id);
// First we find the File system control information.
fseek(disk , mbr.partitions[i].LBA_abs_first_sector * SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET );
fread(&p_control.fsci, 1, SECTOR_SIZE , disk);
//printf("next free sector: %d\n", p_control.fsci.next_free_sector);
//printf("next free ID: %d\n", p_control.fsci.next_uniqe_id);
// next we find the Mater Table.
fseek ( disk , (mbr.partitions[i].LBA_abs_first_sector + 1) * SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET );
fread(&p_control.master_table, 1, DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE , disk);
// next we find the Mater Table.
fseek (disk, p_control.fsci.master_table_index * SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET );
fread(&p_control.master_table, 1, DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE , disk);
return 1;
return 1;
return 0;

lsfs_fuse Datei anzeigen

+ 2
- 1
lsfs_fuse.c Datei anzeigen

@ -217,7 +217,8 @@ int lsfs_mknod(const char *path, mode_t mode, dev_t device) {
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
// "/home/rhodez-x/Documents/github/SingOS/SingOS.img"
disk = fopen ("/home/rhodezx/Documents/github/SingOS/SingOS.img", "r+b");
//disk = fopen ("/home/rhodezx/Documents/github/SingOS/SingOS.img", "r+b");
disk = fopen ("SingOS.img", "r+b");
if (lsfs_disk_load_disk())
return fuse_main( argc, argv, &lsfs_oper );

lsfs_fuse.o Datei anzeigen
