You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1899 lines
41 KiB

push bp
mov bp,sp
push 10[bp]
push 8[bp]
push 6[bp]
call _main
add sp, #0x6
pop bp
! 1
! 1 # 1 "main.c"
! 1 # 1 "std_singos/stdio.h"
! 1 void print(string);
! 2 void* dump_ax_return(input);
! 3
! 4 void print(string)
! 5 char* string;
export _print
! 6 {
! 7 #asm
_print.string set 2
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov si,4[bp]
call 0x0000:0x7C47
pop bp
! 13 endasm
! 14 }
! 15
! 16 void print_stack(argument)
! 17 {
export _print_stack
! 18 #asm
_print_stack.argument set 2
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push ax
mov ax, ss
mov ds, ax
mov si,4[bp]
call 0x0000:0x7C47
pop ax
pop ds
pop bp
! 32 endasm
! 33 }
! 34
! 35 void* dump_ax_return(input)
! 36 void* input;
export _dump_ax_return
! 37 {
! 38 return input;
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
mov ax,4[bp]
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 39 }
! 40
! 41 void dump_ax(input)
! 42 void* input;
export _dump_ax
! 43 {
! 44 dump_ax_return(input)
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
! 45 #asm
! Debug: list * void input = [S+6+2] (used reg = )
push 4[bp]
! Debug: func () * void = dump_ax_return+0 (used reg = )
call _dump_ax_return
inc sp
inc sp
_dump_ax.input set 8
.dump_ax.input set 4
push bp
mov bp,sp
call 0x000:0x7C2A
pop bp
! 50 endasm
! 51 }
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 52
! 53 void print_newline()
! 54 {
export _print_newline
! 55 #asm
mov ah, #0xE
mov al, #13
int #0x10
mov al, #10
int #0x10
! 63 endasm
! 64 }
! 65 # 1 "std_singos/stdlib.h"
! 1 unsigned int global_heap_start = 0;
export _global_heap_start
.word 0
! 2 unsigned int global_heap_end = 0;
export _global_heap_end
.word 0
! 3 unsigned int global_heap_next = 0;
export _global_heap_next
.word 0
! 4
! 5 void* malloc(num_bytes);
! 6 void* calloc(number_elements, size);
! 7 int set_heap_settings(param_start, param_end);
! 8 unsigned int get_heap_next();
! 9
! 10 void* malloc(num_bytes)
! 11 int num_bytes;
export _malloc
! 12 {
! 13 unsigned int allocated_pointer = global_heap_next;
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
dec sp
dec sp
! Debug: eq unsigned int = [global_heap_next+0] to unsigned int allocated_pointer = [S+8-8] (used reg = )
mov ax,[_global_heap_next]
mov -6[bp],ax
! 14 global_heap_next = global_heap_next + num_bytes;
! Debug: add int num_bytes = [S+8+2] to unsigned int = [global_heap_next+0] (used reg = )
mov ax,[_global_heap_next]
add ax,4[bp]
! Debug: eq unsigned int = ax+0 to unsigned int = [global_heap_next+0] (used reg = )
mov [_global_heap_next],ax
! 15 if (global_heap_next > global_heap_end)
! Debug: gt unsigned int = [global_heap_end+0] to unsigned int = [global_heap_next+0] (used reg = )
mov ax,[_global_heap_next]
cmp ax,[_global_heap_end]
jbe .1
! 16 {
! 17 return 0;
xor ax,ax
inc sp
inc sp
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 18 }
! 19
! 20 return allocated_pointer;
mov ax,-6[bp]
inc sp
inc sp
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 21 }
! 22
! 23 void* calloc(number_elements, size)
! 24 unsigned int number_elements;
export _calloc
! 25 unsigned int size;
! 26 {
! 27 int i;
! 28 char* temp_pointer;
! 29 unsigned int num_bytes = number_elements * size;
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
add sp,*-6
! Debug: mul unsigned int size = [S+$C+4] to unsigned int number_elements = [S+$C+2] (used reg = )
mov ax,4[bp]
mov cx,6[bp]
imul cx
! Debug: eq unsigned int = ax+0 to unsigned int num_bytes = [S+$C-$C] (used reg = )
mov -$A[bp],ax
! 30 void* allocated_pointer = global_heap_next;
dec sp
dec sp
! Debug: eq unsigned int = [global_heap_next+0] to * void allocated_pointer = [S+$E-$E] (used reg = )
mov bx,[_global_heap_next]
mov -$C[bp],bx
! 31 global_heap_next = global_heap_next + num_bytes;
! Debug: add unsigned int num_bytes = [S+$E-$C] to unsigned int = [global_heap_next+0] (used reg = )
mov ax,[_global_heap_next]
add ax,-$A[bp]
! Debug: eq unsigned int = ax+0 to unsigned int = [global_heap_next+0] (used reg = )
mov [_global_heap_next],ax
! 32 if (global_heap_next > global_heap_end)
! Debug: gt unsigned int = [global_heap_end+0] to unsigned int = [global_heap_next+0] (used reg = )
mov ax,[_global_heap_next]
cmp ax,[_global_heap_end]
jbe .3
! 33 {
! 34 return 0;
xor ax,ax
add sp,*8
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 35 }
! 36
! 37
! 38 temp_pointer = allocated_pointer;
! Debug: eq * void allocated_pointer = [S+$E-$E] to * char temp_pointer = [S+$E-$A] (used reg = )
mov bx,-$C[bp]
mov -8[bp],bx
! 39 for (i = 0; i < num_bytes; ++i)
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to int i = [S+$E-8] (used reg = )
xor ax,ax
mov -6[bp],ax
! 40 {
jmp .7
! 41 *temp_pointer = 0;
mov bx,-8[bp]
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to char = [bx+0] (used reg = )
xor al,al
mov [bx],al
! 42 temp_pointer++;
! Debug: postinc * char temp_pointer = [S+$E-$A] (used reg = )
mov bx,-8[bp]
inc bx
mov -8[bp],bx
! 43 }
! 44
! 45 return allocated_pointer;
! Debug: preinc int i = [S+$E-8] (used reg = )
mov ax,-6[bp]
inc ax
mov -6[bp],ax
! Debug: lt unsigned int num_bytes = [S+$E-$C] to int i = [S+$E-8] (used reg = )
mov ax,-6[bp]
cmp ax,-$A[bp]
jb .8
mov ax,-$C[bp]
add sp,*8
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 46 }
! 47
! 48 int set_heap_settings(param_start, param_end)
! Register BX used in function calloc
! 49 unsigned int param_start;
export _set_heap_settings
! 50 unsigned int param_end;
! 51 {
! 52 global_heap_start = param_start;
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
! Debug: eq unsigned int param_start = [S+6+2] to unsigned int = [global_heap_start+0] (used reg = )
mov ax,4[bp]
mov [_global_heap_start],ax
! 53 global_heap_next = param_start;
! Debug: eq unsigned int param_start = [S+6+2] to unsigned int = [global_heap_next+0] (used reg = )
mov ax,4[bp]
mov [_global_heap_next],ax
! 54 global_heap_end = param_end;
! Debug: eq unsigned int param_end = [S+6+4] to unsigned int = [global_heap_end+0] (used reg = )
mov ax,6[bp]
mov [_global_heap_end],ax
! 55 return 0;
xor ax,ax
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 56 }
! 57
! 58 unsigned int get_heap_next()
! 59 {
export _get_heap_next
! 60 return global_heap_next;
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
mov ax,[_global_heap_next]
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 61 # 16 "main.h"
! 16 }
! 17 # 2 "std_singos/string.h"
! 2 type
! 2 def struct Length_String {
! 3 short dynamic;
! 4 unsigned int length;
! 5 char *chars;
! 6 } Length_String;
! 7
! 8 typedef struct String_Array {
! 9 unsigned int length;
! 10 Length_String **strings;
! 11 } String_Array;
! 12
! 13 void strcpy (destination, destination_segment, source, source_segment );
! 14 int strlen (source, source_segment);
! 15 void memcpy (destination, destination_segment, source, source_segment, num_bytes );
! 16
! 17
! 18 String_Array *string_split_c(string, delim, keep_delim);
! 19 Length_String *make_length_string(length, chars);
! 20 Length_String *make_length_string_c(cstring);
! 21 String_Array *length_string_split(string, delim, keep_delim);
! 22 String_Array *create_length_string_array(array_size);
! 23 Length_String *create_length_string(length, chars);
! 24
! 25
! 26
! 27 int strlen (source, source_segment)
! 28 {
export _strlen
! 29 #asm
_strlen.source set 2
_strlen.source_segment set 4
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push bx
mov ax, 6[bp];
mov ds, ax
mov bx, 4[bp];
mov cx, #0x0 ; Set counte to zero
mov BYTE al, [bx]
cmp al, #0x0
je .label_strlen_done
inc cx ; Count 1
inc bx ; Look at next char
jmp .label_strlen_loop
mov ax, cx
pop bx
pop ds
pop bp
! 57 endasm
! 58 }
! 59
! 60 void strcpy (destination, destination_segment, source, source_segment )
! 61 char *destination;
export _strcpy
! 62 int destination_segment;
! 63 char *source;
! 64 int source_segment;
! 65 {
! 66 #asm
_strcpy.source set 6
_strcpy.destination set 2
_strcpy.source_segment set 8
_strcpy.destination_segment set 4
; copy two strings
; IN si: the first (zero terminated) string
; IN di: the second (zero terminated) string
; OUT SF and ZF (same semantics as cmp)
! 72 76
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ax
push bx
push di
push es
push si
push ds
mov ax, 4[bp]; ;
mov di, ax
mov ax, 6[bp]; ;
mov es, ax
mov ax, 8[bp]; ;
mov si, ax
mov ax, 10[bp]; ;
mov ds, ax
mov cx, 0x050 ;TODO(Jrn) Hardcded number of bytes to copy
cmp cx, 0x0
je .label_strcpy_end
dec cx
jmp .label_strcpy_loop
pop ds
pop si
pop es
pop di
pop bx
pop ax
pop bp
! 110 endasm
! 111 }
! 112
! 113 void memcpy (destination, destination_segment, source, source_segment, num_bytes)
! 114 void *destination;
export _memcpy
! 115 int destination_segment;
! 116 void *source;
! 117 int source_segment;
! 118 int num_bytes;
! 119 {
! 120 #asm
_memcpy.source set 6
_memcpy.destination set 2
_memcpy.num_bytes set $A
_memcpy.source_segment set 8
_memcpy.destination_segment set 4
; copy two strings
; IN si: the first (zero terminated) string
; IN di: the second (zero terminated) string
; OUT SF and ZF (same semantics as cmp)
! 126 131
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ax
push bx
push di
push es
push si
push ds
mov ax, 4[bp]; ;
mov di, ax
mov ax, 6[bp]; ;
mov es, ax
mov ax, 8[bp]; ;
mov si, ax
mov ax, 10[bp]; ;
mov ds, ax
mov cx, 12[bp];
cmp cx, 0x0
je .label_memcpy_end
dec cx
jmp .label_memcpy_loop
pop ds
pop si
pop es
pop di
pop bx
pop ax
pop bp
! 165 endasm
! 166 }
! 167
! 168 String_Array *string_split_c(string, delim, keep_delim)
! 169 char *string;
export _string_split_c
! 170 char delim;
! 171 short keep_delim;
! 172 {
! 173 return length_string_split(make_length_string_c(string), delim, keep_delim);
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
! Debug: list short keep_delim = [S+6+6] (used reg = )
push 8[bp]
! Debug: list char delim = [S+8+4] (used reg = )
mov al,6[bp]
xor ah,ah
push ax
! Debug: list * char string = [S+$A+2] (used reg = )
push 4[bp]
! Debug: func () * struct Length_String = make_length_string_c+0 (used reg = )
call _make_length_string_c
inc sp
inc sp
! Debug: list * struct Length_String = ax+0 (used reg = )
push ax
! Debug: func () * struct String_Array = length_string_split+0 (used reg = )
call _length_string_split
add sp,*6
! Debug: cast * struct String_Array = const 0 to * struct String_Array = ax+0 (used reg = )
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 174 }
! 175
! 176 Length_String *make_length_string_c(cstring)
! 177 char *cstring;
export _make_length_string_c
! 178 {
! 179 return make_length_string(strlen(cstring, 0x7e0), cstring);
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
! Debug: list * char cstring = [S+6+2] (used reg = )
push 4[bp]
! Debug: list int = const $7E0 (used reg = )
mov ax,#$7E0
push ax
! Debug: list * char cstring = [S+$A+2] (used reg = )
push 4[bp]
! Debug: func () int = strlen+0 (used reg = )
call _strlen
add sp,*4
! Debug: list int = ax+0 (used reg = )
push ax
! Debug: func () * struct Length_String = make_length_string+0 (used reg = )
call _make_length_string
add sp,*4
! Debug: cast * struct Length_String = const 0 to * struct Length_String = ax+0 (used reg = )
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 180 }
! 181
! 182 Length_String *make_length_string(length, chars)
! 183 unsigned int length;
export _make_length_string
! 184 char *chars;
! 185 {
! 186
! 187 Length_String *legth_string = malloc(sizeof(Length_String));
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
dec sp
dec sp
! Debug: list int = const 6 (used reg = )
mov ax,*6
push ax
! Debug: func () * void = malloc+0 (used reg = )
call _malloc
inc sp
inc sp
! Debug: eq * void = ax+0 to * struct Length_String legth_string = [S+8-8] (used reg = )
mov -6[bp],ax
! 188 char *copy = malloc(length + 1);
dec sp
dec sp
! Debug: add int = const 1 to unsigned int length = [S+$A+2] (used reg = )
mov ax,4[bp]
! Debug: list unsigned int = ax+1 (used reg = )
inc ax
push ax
! Debug: func () * void = malloc+0 (used reg = )
call _malloc
inc sp
inc sp
! Debug: eq * void = ax+0 to * char copy = [S+$A-$A] (used reg = )
mov -8[bp],ax
! 189 memcpy(copy, 0x7e0, chars, 0x7e0, length);
! Debug: list unsigned int length = [S+$A+2] (used reg = )
push 4[bp]
! Debug: list int = const $7E0 (used reg = )
mov ax,#$7E0
push ax
! Debug: list * char chars = [S+$E+4] (used reg = )
push 6[bp]
! Debug: list int = const $7E0 (used reg = )
mov ax,#$7E0
push ax
! Debug: list * char copy = [S+$12-$A] (used reg = )
push -8[bp]
! Debug: func () void = memcpy+0 (used reg = )
call _memcpy
add sp,*$A
! 190 copy[length] = '';
! Debug: ptradd unsigned int length = [S+$A+2] to * char copy = [S+$A-$A] (used reg = )
mov ax,4[bp]
add ax,-8[bp]
mov bx,ax
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to char = [bx+0] (used reg = )
xor al,al
mov [bx],al
! 191
! 192 legth_string->dynamic = 0;
mov bx,-6[bp]
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to short = [bx+0] (used reg = )
xor ax,ax
mov [bx],ax
! 193 legth_string->length = length;
mov bx,-6[bp]
! Debug: eq unsigned int length = [S+$A+2] to unsigned int = [bx+2] (used reg = )
mov ax,4[bp]
mov 2[bx],ax
! 194 legth_string->chars = (char *)chars;
mov bx,-6[bp]
! Debug: eq * char chars = [S+$A+4] to * char = [bx+4] (used reg = )
mov si,6[bp]
mov 4[bx],si
! 195
! 196 return legth_string;
mov ax,-6[bp]
add sp,*4
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 197 }
! 198
! 199 String_Array *length_string_split(string, delim, keep_delim)
! Register BX SI used in function make_length_string
! 200 Length_String *string;
export _length_string_split
! 201 char delim;
! 202 short keep_delim;
! 203 {
! 204 unsigned int i;
! 205 unsi
! 205 gned int last;
! 206
! 207 unsigned int count = 0;
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
add sp,*-6
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to unsigned int count = [S+$C-$C] (used reg = )
xor ax,ax
mov -$A[bp],ax
! 208 unsigned int insert_index = 0;
dec sp
dec sp
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to unsigned int insert_index = [S+$E-$E] (used reg = )
xor ax,ax
mov -$C[bp],ax
! 209 String_Array *result;
! 210 int k;
! 211
! 212 i = 0;
add sp,*-4
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to unsigned int i = [S+$12-8] (used reg = )
xor ax,ax
mov -6[bp],ax
! 213 last = 0;
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to unsigned int last = [S+$12-$A] (used reg = )
xor ax,ax
mov -8[bp],ax
! 214 while(i < string->length) {
jmp .B
! 215 if (string->chars[i] == delim) {
mov bx,4[bp]
! Debug: ptradd unsigned int i = [S+$12-8] to * char = [bx+4] (used reg = )
mov ax,-6[bp]
add ax,4[bx]
mov bx,ax
! Debug: logeq char delim = [S+$12+4] to char = [bx+0] (used reg = )
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,6[bp]
jne .D
! 216 if (i > last+1) {
! Debug: add int = const 1 to unsigned int last = [S+$12-$A] (used reg = )
mov ax,-8[bp]
! Debug: gt unsigned int = ax+1 to unsigned int i = [S+$12-8] (used reg = )
inc ax
cmp ax,-6[bp]
jae .F
! 217 ++count;
! Debug: preinc unsigned int count = [S+$12-$C] (used reg = )
mov ax,-$A[bp]
inc ax
mov -$A[bp],ax
! 218 }
! 219 last = i;
! Debug: eq unsigned int i = [S+$12-8] to unsigned int last = [S+$12-$A] (used reg = )
mov ax,-6[bp]
mov -8[bp],ax
! 220 }
! 221 ++i;
! Debug: preinc unsigned int i = [S+$12-8] (used reg = )
mov ax,-6[bp]
inc ax
mov -6[bp],ax
! 222 }
! 223 if (i > last+1) {
mov bx,4[bp]
! Debug: lt unsigned int = [bx+2] to unsigned int i = [S+$12-8] (used reg = )
mov ax,-6[bp]
cmp ax,2[bx]
jb .C
! Debug: add int = const 1 to unsigned int last = [S+$12-$A] (used reg = )
mov ax,-8[bp]
! Debug: gt unsigned int = ax+1 to unsigned int i = [S+$12-8] (used reg = )
inc ax
cmp ax,-6[bp]
jae .12
! 224 ++count;
! Debug: preinc unsigned int count = [S+$12-$C] (used reg = )
mov ax,-$A[bp]
inc ax
mov -$A[bp],ax
! 225 }
! 226
! 227 result = create_length_string_array(count);
! Debug: list unsigned int count = [S+$12-$C] (used reg = )
push -$A[bp]
! Debug: func () * struct String_Array = create_length_string_array+0 (used reg = )
call _create_length_string_array
inc sp
inc sp
! Debug: eq * struct String_Array = ax+0 to * struct String_Array result = [S+$12-$10] (used reg = )
mov -$E[bp],ax
! 228
! 229 if (keep_delim)
mov ax,8[bp]
test ax,ax
je .14
! 230 {
! 231 k = 0;
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to int k = [S+$12-$12] (used reg = )
xor ax,ax
mov -$10[bp],ax
! 232 }
! 233 else
! 234 {
jmp .16
! 235 k = 1;
! Debug: eq int = const 1 to int k = [S+$12-$12] (used reg = )
mov ax,*1
mov -$10[bp],ax
! 236 }
! 237
! 238 i = 0;
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to unsigned int i = [S+$12-8] (used reg = )
xor ax,ax
mov -6[bp],ax
! 239 last = 0;
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to unsigned int last = [S+$12-$A] (used reg = )
xor ax,ax
mov -8[bp],ax
! 240 while(i < string->length) {
jmp .18
! 241 if (string->chars[i] == delim) {
mov bx,4[bp]
! Debug: ptradd unsigned int i = [S+$12-8] to * char = [bx+4] (used reg = )
mov ax,-6[bp]
add ax,4[bx]
mov bx,ax
! Debug: logeq char delim = [S+$12+4] to char = [bx+0] (used reg = )
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,6[bp]
jne .1A
! 242 if (i > last+1) {
! Debug: add int = const 1 to unsigned int last = [S+$12-$A] (used reg = )
mov ax,-8[bp]
! Debug: gt unsigned int = ax+1 to unsigned int i = [S+$12-8] (used reg = )
inc ax
cmp ax,-6[bp]
jae .1C
! 243 result->strings[insert_index++] = create_length_string(i-(last+k), string->chars+(last+k));
! Debug: add int k = [S+$12-$12] to unsigned int last = [S+$12-$A] (used reg = )
mov ax,-8[bp]
add ax,-$10[bp]
mov bx,4[bp]
! Debug: ptradd unsigned int = ax+0 to * char = [bx+4] (used reg = )
add ax,4[bx]
! Debug: list * char = ax+0 (used reg = )
push ax
! Debug: add int k = [S+$14-$12] to unsigned int last = [S+$14-$A] (used reg = )
mov ax,-8[bp]
add ax,-$10[bp]
! Debug: sub unsigned int = ax+0 to unsigned int i = [S+$14-8] (used reg = )
push ax
mov ax,-6[bp]
sub ax,-$14[bp]
inc sp
inc sp
! Debug: list unsigned int = ax+0 (used reg = )
push ax
! Debug: func () * struct Length_String = create_length_string+0 (used reg = )
call _create_length_string
add sp,*4
push ax
! Debug: postinc unsigned int insert_index = [S+$14-$E] (used reg = )
mov ax,-$C[bp]
inc ax
mov -$C[bp],ax
mov bx,-$E[bp]
! Debug: ptradd unsigned int = ax-1 to * * struct Length_String = [bx+2] (used reg = )
dec ax
shl ax,*1
add ax,2[bx]
mov bx,ax
! Debug: eq * struct Length_String (temp) = [S+$14-$14] to * struct Length_String = [bx+0] (used reg = )
mov si,-$12[bp]
mov [bx],si
inc sp
inc sp
! 244 }
! 245 last = i;
! Debug: eq unsigned int i = [S+$12-8] to unsigned int last = [S+$12-$A] (used reg = )
mov ax,-6[bp]
mov -8[bp],ax
! 246 }
! 247 ++i;
! Debug: preinc unsigned int i = [S+$12-8] (used reg = )
mov ax,-6[bp]
inc ax
mov -6[bp],ax
! 248 }
! 249 if (i > last+1) {
mov bx,4[bp]
! Debug: lt unsigned int = [bx+2] to unsigned int i = [S+$12-8] (used reg = )
mov ax,-6[bp]
cmp ax,2[bx]
jb .19
! Debug: add int = const 1 to unsigned int last = [S+$12-$A] (used reg = )
mov ax,-8[bp]
! Debug: gt unsigned int = ax+1 to unsigned int i = [S+$12-8] (used reg = )
inc ax
cmp ax,-6[bp]
jae .1F
! 250 result->strings[insert_index++] = create_length_string(i-(last+k), ((string->chars)+(last+k)));
! Debug: add int k = [S+$12-$12] to unsigned int last = [S+$12-$A] (used reg = )
mov ax,-8[bp]
add ax,-$10[bp]
mov bx,4[bp]
! Debug: ptradd unsigned int = ax+0 to * char = [bx+4] (used reg = )
add ax,4[bx]
! Debug: list * char = ax+0 (used reg = )
push ax
! Debug: add int k = [S+$14-$12] to unsigned int last = [S+$14-$A] (used reg = )
mov ax,-8[bp]
add ax,-$10[bp]
! Debug: sub unsigned int = ax+0 to unsigned int i = [S+$14-8] (used reg = )
push ax
mov ax,-6[bp]
sub ax,-$14[bp]
inc sp
inc sp
! Debug: list unsigned int = ax+0 (used reg = )
push ax
! Debug: func () * struct Length_String = create_length_string+0 (used reg = )
call _create_length_string
add sp,*4
push ax
! Debug: postinc unsigned int insert_index = [S+$14-$E] (used reg = )
mov ax,-$C[bp]
inc ax
mov -$C[bp],ax
mov bx,-$E[bp]
! Debug: ptradd unsigned int = ax-1 to * * struct Length_String = [bx+2] (used reg = )
dec ax
shl ax,*1
add ax,2[bx]
mov bx,ax
! Debug: eq * struct Length_String (temp) = [S+$14-$14] to * struct Length_String = [bx+0] (used reg = )
mov si,-$12[bp]
mov [bx],si
inc sp
inc sp
! 251 }
! 252
! 253 return result;
mov ax,-$E[bp]
add sp,*$C
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 254
! 255 }
! 256
! 257 String_Array *create_length_string_array(array_size)
! Register BX SI used in function length_string_split
! 258 int array_size;
export _create_length_string_array
! 259 {
! 260 String_Array *result = malloc(sizeof(String_Array));
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
dec sp
dec sp
! Debug: list int = const 4 (used reg = )
mov ax,*4
push ax
! Debug: func () * void = malloc+0 (used reg = )
call _malloc
inc sp
inc sp
! Debug: eq * void = ax+0 to * struct String_Array result = [S+8-8] (used reg = )
mov -6[bp],ax
! 261 result->length = array_size;
mov bx,-6[bp]
! Debug: eq int array_size = [S+8+2] to unsigned int = [bx+0] (used reg = )
mov ax,4[bp]
mov [bx],ax
! 262 result->strings = malloc(array_size * sizeof(Length_String));
! Debug: mul int = const 6 to int array_size = [S+8+2] (used reg = )
mov ax,4[bp]
mov dx,ax
shl ax,*1
add ax,dx
shl ax,*1
! Debug: list int = ax+0 (used reg = )
push ax
! Debug: func () * void = malloc+0 (used reg = )
call _malloc
inc sp
inc sp
mov bx,-6[bp]
! Debug: eq * void = ax+0 to * * struct Length_String = [bx+2] (used reg = )
mov 2[bx],ax
! 263 return result;
mov ax,-6[bp]
inc sp
inc sp
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 264 }
! 265
! 266
! 267 Length_String *create_length_string(length, chars)
! Register BX used in function create_length_string_array
! 268 unsigned int length;
export _create_length_string
! 269 char *chars;
! 270 {
! 271
! 272 Length_String *legth_string = malloc(sizeof(Length_String));
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
dec sp
dec sp
! Debug: list int = const 6 (used reg = )
mov ax,*6
push ax
! Debug: func () * void = malloc+0 (used reg = )
call _malloc
inc sp
inc sp
! Debug: eq * void = ax+0 to * struct Length_String legth_string = [S+8-8] (used reg = )
mov -6[bp],ax
! 273 char *copy = malloc(length + 1);
dec sp
dec sp
! Debug: add int = const 1 to unsigned int length = [S+$A+2] (used reg = )
mov ax,4[bp]
! Debug: list unsigned int = ax+1 (used reg = )
inc ax
push ax
! Debug: func () * void = malloc+0 (used reg = )
call _malloc
inc sp
inc sp
! Debug: eq * void = ax+0 to * char copy = [S+$A-$A] (used reg = )
mov -8[bp],ax
! 274 memcpy(copy, 0x7e0, chars, 0x7e0, length);
! Debug: list unsigned int length = [S+$A+2] (used reg = )
push 4[bp]
! Debug: list int = const $7E0 (used reg = )
mov ax,#$7E0
push ax
! Debug: list * char chars = [S+$E+4] (used reg = )
push 6[bp]
! Debug: list int = const $7E0 (used reg = )
mov ax,#$7E0
push ax
! Debug: list * char copy = [S+$12-$A] (used reg = )
push -8[bp]
! Debug: func () void = memcpy+0 (used reg = )
call _memcpy
add sp,*$A
! 275 copy[length] = '';
! Debug: ptradd unsigned int length = [S+$A+2] to * char copy = [S+$A-$A] (used reg = )
mov ax,4[bp]
add ax,-8[bp]
mov bx,ax
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to char = [bx+0] (used reg = )
xor al,al
mov [bx],al
! 276
! 277 legth_string->dynamic = 1;
mov bx,-6[bp]
! Debug: eq int = const 1 to short = [bx+0] (used reg = )
mov ax,*1
mov [bx],ax
! 278 legth_string->length = length;
mov bx,-6[bp]
! Debug: eq unsigned int length = [S+$A+2] to unsigned int = [bx+2] (used reg = )
mov ax,4[bp]
mov 2[bx],ax
! 279 legth_string->chars = copy;
mov bx,-6[bp]
! Debug: eq * char copy = [S+$A-$A] to * char = [bx+4] (used reg = )
mov si,-8[bp]
mov 4[bx],si
! 280
! 281 return legth_string;
mov ax,-6[bp]
add sp,*4
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 282 # 18 "main.h"
! 18 }
! 19 # 1 "driver/disk.h"
! 1 int data_from_disk(index, number_sectors, data_buffer, data_buffer_segment);
! Register BX SI used in function create_length_string
! 2 int disk_service_read_data_from_disk(index, number_sectors, data_buffer, data_buffer_segment);
! 3
! 4 int disk_service_read_data_from_disk(index, number_sectors, data_buffer, data_buffer_segment)
! 5 long* index;
export _disk_service_read_data_from_disk
! 6 long number_sectors;
! 7 void* data_buffer;
! 8 int data_buffer_segment;
! 9 {
! 10
! 11 #asm
_disk_service_read_data_from_disk.data_buffer set 8
_disk_service_read_data_from_disk.number_sectors set 4
_disk_service_read_data_from_disk.data_buffer_segment set $A
_disk_service_read_data_from_disk.index set 2
! 13 define number_sectors 8[bp];
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax, 4[bp];
mov WORD [DAPACK.lba_addr_dw_low], ax
mov bx, 8[bp];
mov WORD [DAPACK.blkcnt], bx
mov cx, 12[bp];
mov WORD [DAPACK.db_addr_segment], cx
mov dx, 10[bp]; ;
mov WORD [DAPACK.db_addr_offset], dx
mov si, #DAPACK ; address of
mov ah, #0x42 ; READ
mov dl, [global_disk_identifier]
int #0x13
;call 0x0000:0x7C2A
pop bp
DAPACK.dap_Size: db 0x10
DAPACK.rev_byte: db 0x0
DAPACK.blkcnt: dw 0x0
DAPACK.db_addr_offset: dw 0x0
DAPACK.db_addr_segment: dw 0x0
DAPACK.lba_addr_dw_low: dd 0x0
DAPACK.lba_addr_dw_high: dd 0x0
global_disk_identifier: db 0x80
! 51 endasm
! 52 }
! 53 # 4 "implementation/lsfs.h"
! 4 typedef struct lsfs_file lsfs_file;
! 5 # 22 "main.h"
! 22 void dump_ax(input);
! 23 void print_stack(argument);
! 24 void print_newline();
! 25
! 26 typedef struct Directory_Table Directory_Table;
! 27 typedef struct Struct_Table_Entry Table_Entry;
! 28 typedef struct struct_partition_control partition_control;
! 29 typedef struct File_System_Control_Information FSCI;
! 30 typedef struct meta_information_format mif;
! 31 typedef struct tag_record tag_record;
! 32 typedef struct Parameter_Struct Parameter_Struct;
! 33
! 34 typedef enum Table_Entry_Kind
! 35 {
! 36
! 37 ENTRY_EMPTY = 0,
! 38 ENTRY_FILE = 1,
! 40 } Table_Entry_Kind;
! 41
! 42 typedef enum Service_Action
! 43 {
! 48
! 49 } Service_Action;
! 50
! 51 struct Struct_Table_Entry
! 52 {
! 53 char filename[256];
! 54 long file_id[2];
! 55 long file_size[2];
! 56 void* ext_file_data_low;
! 57 void* ext_file_data_high;
! 58 long number_sector_s;
! 59 short entry_kind;
! 60 short extra_control_bits1;
! 61 short extra_control_bits2;
! 62 short extra_control_bits3;
! 63 long table_entry_sector_index[2];
! 64 long data_pointer[27 * 2];
! 65 };
! 66
! 67 struct File_Syst
! 67 em_Control_Information
! 68 {
! 69 char filesystem_information[256];
! 70 long master_table_index[2];
! 71 long this_partition_offset_on_disk[2];
! 72 long next_free_sector[2];
! 73 long next_uniqe_id[2];
! 74 long next_sector_reuse_pointer[2];
! 75 long last_sector_index_on_partition[2];
! 76 long maximum_sectors_on_disk[2];
! 77 long sector_size_on_disk[2];
! 78 long not_used[48];
! 79
! 80 };
! 81
! 82 typedef struct Directory_Table
! 83 {
! 84 Table_Entry entries[16 ];
! 85
! 86 };
! 87
! 88 struct Parameter_Struct
! 89 {
! 90 char* path;
! 91 char* new_path;
! 92 int buffer_segment;
! 93 int buffer_address;
! 94 int buffer_size;
! 95 int data_length;
! 96 int byte_offset_into_file;
! 97 Table_Entry_Kind entry_kind;
! 98 };
! 99 # 7 "main.c"
! 7 int main(selector, pointer_parameter_segment, pointer_parameter_struct)
! 8 int selector;
export _main
! 9 void* pointer_parameter_segment;
! 10 void* pointer_parameter_struct;
! 11 {
! 12
! 13
! 14
! 15 FSCI fsci;
! 16
! 17 Service_Action service_action;
! 18 Directory_Table current_table;
! 19 Parameter_Struct parameter_struct;
! 20 int local_segment = 0x7e0;
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
add sp,#-$2214
! Debug: eq int = const $7E0 to int local_segment = [S+$221A-$221A] (used reg = )
mov ax,#$7E0
mov -$2218[bp],ax
! 21 unsigned int heap_start = 0x2000;
dec sp
dec sp
! Debug: eq int = const $2000 to unsigned int heap_start = [S+$221C-$221C] (used reg = )
mov ax,#$2000
mov -$221A[bp],ax
! 22 unsigned int heap_end = 0xffff;
dec sp
dec sp
! Debug: eq unsigned int = const $FFFF to unsigned int heap_end = [S+$221E-$221E] (used reg = )
mov ax,#$FFFF
mov -$221C[bp],ax
! 23 int stack_segment = 0x8fc0;
dec sp
dec sp
! Debug: eq unsigned int = const $8FC0 to int stack_segment = [S+$2220-$2220] (used reg = )
mov ax,#$8FC0
mov -$221E[bp],ax
! 24 int path_length;
! 25 long index_as_long;
! 26
! 27 char *local_path = 0;
add sp,*-8
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to * char local_path = [S+$2228-$2228] (used reg = )
xor ax,ax
mov -$2226[bp],ax
! 28 service_action = selector;
! Debug: eq int selector = [S+$2228+2] to int service_action = [S+$2228-$208] (used reg = )
mov ax,4[bp]
mov -$206[bp],ax
! 29
! 30 switch (service_action)
mov ax,-$206[bp]
! 31 {
br .23
! 33 {
! 34
! 35
! 36
! 37
! 38 index_as_long = pointer_parameter_struct;
! Debug: eq * void pointer_parameter_struct = [S+$2228+6] to long index_as_long = [S+$2228-$2226] (used reg = )
mov ax,8[bp]
xor bx,bx
mov -$2224[bp],ax
mov -$2222[bp],bx
! 39 disk_service_read_data_from_disk(index_as_long, 1, &fsci, stack_segment);
! Debug: list int stack_segment = [S+$2228-$2220] (used reg = )
push -$221E[bp]
! Debug: list * struct File_System_Control_Information fsci = S+$222A-$206 (used reg = )
lea bx,-$204[bp]
push bx
! Debug: list int = const 1 (used reg = )
mov ax,*1
push ax
! Debug: list long index_as_long = [S+$222E-$2226] (used reg = )
push -$2222[bp]
push -$2224[bp]
! Debug: func () int = disk_service_read_data_from_disk+0 (used reg = )
call _disk_service_read_data_from_disk
add sp,*$A
! 40 print("File System has been loaded: ");
! Debug: list * char = .25+0 (used reg = )
mov bx,#.25
push bx
! Debug: func () void = print+0 (used reg = )
call _print
inc sp
inc sp
! 41 print_newline();
! Debug: func () void = print_newline+0 (used reg = )
call _print_newline
! 42 set_heap_settings(heap_start, heap_end);
! Debug: list unsigned int heap_end = [S+$2228-$221E] (used reg = )
push -$221C[bp]
! Debug: list unsigned int heap_start = [S+$222A-$221C] (used reg = )
push -$221A[bp]
! Debug: func () int = set_heap_settings+0 (used reg = )
call _set_heap_settings
add sp,*4
! 43 print_stack(fsci.filesystem_information);
! Debug: list * char fsci = S+$2228-$206 (used reg = )
lea bx,-$204[bp]
push bx
! Debug: func () void = print_stack+0 (used reg = )
call _print_stack
inc sp
inc sp
! 44 print_newline();
! Debug: func () void = print_newline+0 (used reg = )
call _print_newline
! 45 } break;
br .21
! 47 {
! 48 String_Array *path_array;
! 49 int i;
! 50 memcpy(&parameter_struct, stack_segment, pointer_parameter_struct, pointer_parameter_segment, sizeof(Parameter_Struct));
! Debug: list int = const $10 (used reg = )
mov ax,*$10
push ax
! Debug: list * void pointer_parameter_segment = [S+$222E+4] (used reg = )
push 6[bp]
! Debug: list * void pointer_parameter_struct = [S+$2230+6] (used reg = )
push 8[bp]
! Debug: list int stack_segment = [S+$2232-$2220] (used reg = )
push -$221E[bp]
! Debug: list * struct Parameter_Struct parameter_struct = S+$2234-$2218 (used reg = )
lea bx,-$2216[bp]
push bx
! Debug: func () void = memcpy+0 (used reg = )
call _memcpy
add sp,*$A
! 51 path_length = strlen(parameter_struct.path, pointer_parameter_segment);
! Debug: list * void pointer_parameter_segment = [S+$222C+4] (used reg = )
push 6[bp]
! Debug: list * char parameter_struct = [S+$222E-$2218] (used reg = )
push -$2216[bp]
! Debug: func () int = strlen+0 (used reg = )
call _strlen
add sp,*4
! Debug: eq int = ax+0 to int path_length = [S+$222C-$2222] (used reg = )
mov -$2220[bp],ax
! 52 local_path = malloc(256);
! Debug: list int = const $100 (used reg = )
mov ax,#$100
push ax
! Debug: func () * void = malloc+0 (used reg = )
call _malloc
inc sp
inc sp
! Debug: eq * void = ax+0 to * char local_path = [S+$222C-$2228] (used reg = )
mov -$2226[bp],ax
! 53
! 53 memcpy(local_path, local_segment, parameter_struct.path, pointer_parameter_segment, path_length);
! Debug: list int path_length = [S+$222C-$2222] (used reg = )
push -$2220[bp]
! Debug: list * void pointer_parameter_segment = [S+$222E+4] (used reg = )
push 6[bp]
! Debug: list * char parameter_struct = [S+$2230-$2218] (used reg = )
push -$2216[bp]
! Debug: list int local_segment = [S+$2232-$221A] (used reg = )
push -$2218[bp]
! Debug: list * char local_path = [S+$2234-$2228] (used reg = )
push -$2226[bp]
! Debug: func () void = memcpy+0 (used reg = )
call _memcpy
add sp,*$A
! 54 local_path[path_length] = 0;
! Debug: ptradd int path_length = [S+$222C-$2222] to * char local_path = [S+$222C-$2228] (used reg = )
mov ax,-$2220[bp]
add ax,-$2226[bp]
mov bx,ax
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to char = [bx+0] (used reg = )
xor al,al
mov [bx],al
! 55 print(local_path);
! Debug: list * char local_path = [S+$222C-$2228] (used reg = )
push -$2226[bp]
! Debug: func () void = print+0 (used reg = )
call _print
inc sp
inc sp
! 56
! 57 path_array = string_split_c(local_path, '/', 0);
! Debug: list int = const 0 (used reg = )
xor ax,ax
push ax
! Debug: list int = const $2F (used reg = )
mov ax,*$2F
push ax
! Debug: list * char local_path = [S+$2230-$2228] (used reg = )
push -$2226[bp]
! Debug: func () * struct String_Array = string_split_c+0 (used reg = )
call _string_split_c
add sp,*6
! Debug: eq * struct String_Array = ax+0 to * struct String_Array path_array = [S+$222C-$222A] (used reg = )
mov -$2228[bp],ax
! 58
! 59 print_newline();
! Debug: func () void = print_newline+0 (used reg = )
call _print_newline
! 60 print_newline();
! Debug: func () void = print_newline+0 (used reg = )
call _print_newline
! 61 for (i = 0; i < path_array->length; ++i)
! Debug: eq int = const 0 to int i = [S+$222C-$222C] (used reg = )
xor ax,ax
mov -$222A[bp],ax
! 62 {
jmp .29
! 63 print(path_array->strings[i]->chars);
mov bx,-$2228[bp]
! Debug: ptradd int i = [S+$222C-$222C] to * * struct Length_String = [bx+2] (used reg = )
mov ax,-$222A[bp]
shl ax,*1
add ax,2[bx]
mov bx,ax
mov bx,[bx]
! Debug: list * char = [bx+4] (used reg = )
push 4[bx]
! Debug: func () void = print+0 (used reg = )
call _print
inc sp
inc sp
! 64 print_newline();
! Debug: func () void = print_newline+0 (used reg = )
call _print_newline
! 65 }
! 66 print_newline();
! Debug: preinc int i = [S+$222C-$222C] (used reg = )
mov ax,-$222A[bp]
inc ax
mov -$222A[bp],ax
mov bx,-$2228[bp]
! Debug: lt unsigned int = [bx+0] to int i = [S+$222C-$222C] (used reg = )
mov ax,-$222A[bp]
cmp ax,[bx]
jb .2A
! Debug: func () void = print_newline+0 (used reg = )
call _print_newline
! 67 print_newline();
! Debug: func () void = print_newline+0 (used reg = )
call _print_newline
! 68
! 69 print_newline();
! Debug: func () void = print_newline+0 (used reg = )
call _print_newline
! 70 disk_service_read_data_from_disk(fsci.master_table_index[0], 16 , &current_table, stack_segment);
! Debug: list int stack_segment = [S+$222C-$2220] (used reg = )
push -$221E[bp]
! Debug: list * struct Directory_Table current_table = S+$222E-$2208 (used reg = )
lea bx,-$2206[bp]
push bx
! Debug: list int = const $10 (used reg = )
mov ax,*$10
push ax
! Debug: list long fsci = [S+$2232-$106] (used reg = )
push -$102[bp]
push -$104[bp]
! Debug: func () int = disk_service_read_data_from_disk+0 (used reg = )
call _disk_service_read_data_from_disk
add sp,*$A
! 71 print("Current table: ");
! Debug: list * char = .2C+0 (used reg = )
mov bx,#.2C
push bx
! Debug: func () void = print+0 (used reg = )
call _print
inc sp
inc sp
! 72 print_newline();
! Debug: func () void = print_newline+0 (used reg = )
call _print_newline
! 73 print_stack(current_table.entries[0].filename);
! Debug: list * char current_table = S+$222C-$2208 (used reg = )
lea bx,-$2206[bp]
push bx
! Debug: func () void = print_stack+0 (used reg = )
call _print_stack
inc sp
inc sp
! 74 print_newline();
! Debug: func () void = print_newline+0 (used reg = )
call _print_newline
! 75 print_stack(current_table.entries[1].filename);
! Debug: list * char current_table = S+$222C-$2008 (used reg = )
lea bx,-$2006[bp]
push bx
! Debug: func () void = print_stack+0 (used reg = )
call _print_stack
inc sp
inc sp
! 76 print_newline();
! Debug: func () void = print_newline+0 (used reg = )
call _print_newline
! 77 print_stack(current_table.entries[2].filename);
! Debug: list * char current_table = S+$222C-$1E08 (used reg = )
lea bx,-$1E06[bp]
push bx
! Debug: func () void = print_stack+0 (used reg = )
call _print_stack
inc sp
inc sp
! 78 print_newline();
! Debug: func () void = print_newline+0 (used reg = )
call _print_newline
! 79
! 80 } break;
jmp .21
! 82 {
! 83 # 91
! 91
! 92 print("Hit READ case");
! Debug: list * char = .2E+0 (used reg = )
mov bx,#.2E
push bx
! Debug: func () void = print+0 (used reg = )
call _print
inc sp
inc sp
! 93 } break;
jmp .21
! 95 {
! 96 print("Hit WRITE case");
! Debug: list * char = .30+0 (used reg = )
mov bx,#.30
push bx
! Debug: func () void = print+0 (used reg = )
call _print
inc sp
inc sp
! 97 } break;
jmp .21
! 98 default:
! 99 {
! 100 print("Default case");
! Debug: list * char = .32+0 (used reg = )
mov bx,#.32
push bx
! Debug: func () void = print+0 (used reg = )
call _print
inc sp
inc sp
! 101 }
! 102 }
! 103
! 104 return 0;
jmp .21
add sp,*-4
sub ax,*1
beq .24
sub ax,*1
beq .26
sub ax,*1
je .2D
sub ax,*1
je .2F
jmp .31
..FFFF = -$222C
add sp,*4
xor ax,ax
lea sp,-4[bp]
pop si
pop di
pop bp
! 105
! 106 }
! 107
! Register BX used in function main
.ascii "Default case"
.byte 0
.ascii "Hit WRITE case"
.byte 0
.ascii "Hit READ case"
.byte 0
.ascii "Current table: "
.byte 0
.ascii "File System has been loaded: "
.byte 0
! 0 errors detected