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33 řádky
1.3 KiB

int disk_service_read_data_from_disk(index, file_block_size, data_buffer, data_buffer_segment)
long* index;
long file_block_size;
void* data_buffer;
int data_buffer_segment;
//fseek ( disk, (index * SECTOR_SIZE ), SEEK_SET ); // SEEK_SET start offset at index 0 and move 1 * SECTOR_SIZE, and write here.
//int read = fread(data_buffer, 1, (file_block_size * SECTOR_SIZE), disk);
//return read;
mov dl, [global_disk_identifier]
mov WORD [DAPACK.lba_addr_dw_low], ax
mov WORD [DAPACK.blkcnt], 0x01
mov WORD [DAPACK.db_addr_segment], bx
mov WORD [DAPACK.db_addr_offset], FSCI
mov si, DAPACK ; address of "disk address packet"
mov ah, 0x42 ; READ
mov dl, [global_disk_identifier]
int 0x13
.dap_Size: db 0x10 ; This is always 16 bytes (0x10)
.rev_byte: db 0x0 ; reserved byte, should always be zero
.blkcnt: dw 0x0 ; int 13 resets this to # of blocks actually read/written
.db_addr_offset: dw 0x0 ; memory buffer destination address (0:7c00)
.db_addr_segment: dw 0x0 ; in memory page zero
.lba_addr_dw_low: dd 0x0 ; put the lba to read in this spot
.lba_addr_dw_high: dd 0x0 ; more storage bytes only for big lba's ( > 4 bytes )