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%macro HALT 0
jmp %%h
%macro CRLF 0
push ax
mov ax, 0xe00|13
int 0x10
mov al, 10
int 0x10
pop ax
; GDT Stuff
%define Data 0000b
%define DataMutable 0010b
%define DataShrink 0100b
%define DataShrinkMutable 0110b
%define Code 1000b
%define CodeRead 1010b
%define CodeOnlyOwnPriv 1100b
%define CodeOnlyOwnPrivRead 1110b
%macro GDT_NULL_ENTRY 1 ; address
%assign address %1
lea di, [address]
xor ax, ax
mov cx, 4
rep stosw
%macro GDT_ENTRY 6 ; address base limit type privilege bits32
%assign address %1
%assign base %2
%assign limit %3
%assign type (%4 & 0xf)
%assign reserved (1<<4)
%assign privilege ((%5 & 0x3) << 5)
%assign present (1<<7)
%assign access (present | privilege | reserved | type)
%assign bits32 ((%6 & 1) << 2)
%assign granularity (1<<3)
%assign flags (granularity | bits32)
%assign limit_0_15 (limit & 0xffff)
%assign limit_16_19 ((limit >> 16) & 0xf)
%assign base_0_15 (base & 0xffff)
%assign base_16_23 ((base >> 16) & 0xff)
%assign base_24_31 ((base >> 24) & 0xff)
mov WORD [address + 0], limit_0_15
mov WORD [address + 2], base_0_15
mov WORD [address + 4], base_16_23 | (access << 8)
mov WORD [address + 6], limit_16_19 | (flags << 4) | (base_24_31 << 8)
%define GDT_Selector(DescriptorIndex, TableIndicator, RequestorPrivLevel) ((DescriptorIndex << 3) | ((TableIndicator & 1) << 2) | (RequestorPrivLevel & 0x3))