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; Enables A20 gate using:the BIOS, keyboard controller, or Fast A20
pushad ;Preserve registers
pushfd ;Preserve EFLAGS because we might disable interrupts
mov ax,0x2402 ;INT 15h AX=2402h: Query A20 status
int 0x15 ;Check to see if A20 gate is enabled
jc A20_No_BIOS ;Error? Don't use BIOS to enable gate
test al,1 ;Test Bit 0 of AL
je A20_Enabled ;A20 gate already enabled
mov ax,0x2401 ;INT 15h AX=2401h: Enable A20 gate
int 0x15 ;Use BIOS to enable A20 gate
jc A20_No_BIOS ;Error? Don't use BIOS to enable gate
or ah,ah ;Test AH
jnz A20_No_BIOS ;Non-zero? A20 gate may not be enabled
popfd ;Restore EFLAGS
popad ;Restore registers
ret ;Return
mov ax,0x2403 ;INT 15h AX=2403h: Query A20 support
int 0x15 ;Call BIOS to find out how the A20 gate can be enabled
jc A20_KBD ;Error? Assume that keyboard controller is the only option
test bx,1 ;Bit 0:Keyboard controller supported
je A20_KBD ;BIOS indicates that keyboard controller is supported
test bx,2 ;Bit 1:Fast A20 supported
je FAST_A20 ;BIOS indicated that Fast A20 is supported
call Check_A20 ;Test A20 gate manually
jc A20_Enabled ;A20 gate already enabled
lea si,[A20_ERROR] ;"Unable to enable A20 gate!"
call PrintString
call A20_OUT_Wait ;Print string
cli ;Disable interrupts
hlt ;Halt machine
in al,0x92 ;Read System Control Port A
test al,2 ;Test Fast A20 bit
jnz A20_Fail ;Bit already set, failed to enable A20 gate
or al,2 ;Set Bit 1:Enable Fast A20
and al,0xFE ;Always clear Bit 0 so that machine does not reboot
out 0x92,al ;Write to port 92h
call Check_A20 ;Check A20 gate
jc A20_Enabled ;Success?
cli ;No? something must have gone wrong
hlt ;Clear interrupts and halt machine
cli ;Disable interrupts
mov cx,50 ;Number of attempts to enable gate
call A20_OUT_Wait ;Wait for keyboard
mov al,0xAD ;Disable Keyboard
out 0x64,al ;Wait for Keyboard
mov al,0xD0 ;Read Controller Output Port
out 0x64,al
call A20_IN_Wait ;Wait for Keyboard
in al,0x60 ;Read Data Port
push ax ;Save
call A20_OUT_Wait ;Wait for Keyboard
mov al,0xD1 ;Write Controller Output Port
out 0x64,al
call A20_OUT_Wait ;Wait for Keyboard
pop ax ;Get port data back
or al,10b ;Bit 1: Enable A20 gate
out 0x60,al ;Write to data port
call A20_OUT_Wait ;Wait for Keyboard
mov al,0xAE ;Enable Keyboard
out 0x64,al
call A20_OUT_Wait ;Wait for Keyboard
call Check_A20 ;Verify that gate is enabled
jc A20_Enabled ;Yes? Return
loop Use_KBD ;No? Keep trying
jmp A20_Fail ;Could not enable gate after 50 tries
in al,0x64 ;Read status register
test al,10b ;Is port ready?
jnz A20_OUT_Wait ;Nope, wait
ret ;Yep, continue
in al,0x64 ;Read status register
test al,1b ;Is port ready?
jz A20_IN_Wait ;Nope, wait
ret ;Yep, continue
; Test if A20 gate is enabled by comaparing the value in FFFF:7E0E
; with the VBR boot signature at 0000:7DFE
; Out: Carry flag set if A20 gate is enabled
pushad ;Preserve registers
push es
mov ax, 0xFFFF
mov es, ax ;Extra segment:FFFF
cmp WORD [es:0x7DFE + 16], 0xAAFF ;See if boot signature is wrapped at FFFF:7E0E (Meaning FFFF:7E0E = 0:7DFE)
stc ; Assume we didn't wrap, yes A20
jne .End
clc ; We did wrap, no A20
pop es
A20_ERROR db "Unable to enable A20 gate!",0