You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

177 lines
4.4 KiB

;Command syntax: <command name> <arg1>
;Argument must not contain spaces.
; Data
CLI_Command_Buffer times 256 db 0
CLI_Command_Length dw 0
; args:
; ax: keyboard keycode.
; Fetch command buffer offset.
; If there is no room in the buffer, then just bail on the key press.
mov bx, [CLI_Command_Length]
cmp bx, 255
je .end
inc bx ; The new last element will be located at this offset.
mov [CLI_Command_Length], bx ; Save the new counter.
dec bx ; Go back to the index the character should be written to.
; Move new ascii character into command buffer.
add bx, CLI_Command_Buffer ; address+offset = destination
mov [bx], al
inc bx
mov byte [bx], 0
; Print out the input character
mov ah, 0xe ; Teletype output
mov bl, 0x02 ; color (green)
int 0x10
; args:
; Check if at the beginning of the line.
mov bx, [CLI_Command_Length]
cmp bx, 0x00
je .end
; Move the counter one back
sub bx, 0x01
mov [CLI_Command_Length], bx
;Move NULL into the last character of the line (delete)
mov al, 0x0
add bx, CLI_Command_Buffer ; address+offset = destination
mov [bx], al
; Go back one space
mov ax, 0x0e08 ; ah=0x0e means teletype output. al=0x08 means backspace character.
int 0x10
; Place a NULL
mov al, 0x0 ; NULL
int 0x10
; Go back one space again as the above print of NULL pushes the cursor forward again.
mov ax, 0x0e08
int 0x10
; Probably activated with the 'Enter' button.
mov bx, 0
mov [CLI_Command_Length], bx
mov [CLI_Command_Buffer], bx
; Prints a list of available commands
push si
mov si, .command_list_string
call print
pop si
db 13, 10
db "Available commands:", 13, 10
db " help: Prints this screen", 13, 10
db " dumpmem: Prints the contents of a memory region (At the moment hardcoded)", 13, 10
db " keyprint: Prints the character and keycode for a key presssd", 13, 10
db " clear: Clears the screen", 13, 10
db " formatdisk: Initialize the file system", 13, 10
db " createfile: Name a file, in the file system", 13, 10
db " fsinfo: Displays info about the file system", 13, 10
db " ls: Lists the named files", 13, 10
db " svim: SingOS' text editor", 13, 10
db " go32: Switch SingOS to 32 bit protected mode", 13, 10, 0
; Executes the command.
mov bx, [CLI_Command_Length]
cmp bx, 0
je near .end ; If there are not bytes in the buffer then there is no command.
mov ax, [.Num_Commands] ; The number of commands available.
lea si, [CLI_Command_Buffer]
mov cx, 0 ; Index into the list of commands.
;cmp cx, ax ; Start by comparing.
;je .end
mov bx, cx ; Move Index into bx to offset into the array of commands.
add bx, bx ; The pointers are two bytes long. This compensates for that.
mov bx, [.Command_Name_List + bx] ; Fetch the pointer for the string.
lea di, [bx]
call stringcompare
je .Interpreter_Command_Execute
inc cx ; Prepare for next iteration.
cmp ax, cx
je .end
jmp .Interpreter_Search_Commands_Loop
mov bx, cx ; Move Index into bx to offset into the array of commands.
add bx, bx ; The pointers are two bytes long. This compensates for that.
call printCRLF
mov dx, [.Command_Function_Pointers + bx] ; Program pointer
; Execute program.
call dx
.tmp dw 0
.Num_Commands dw 12
.Command_Name_List dw .CMD1, .CMD2, .CMD3, .CMD4, .CMD5, .CMD6, .CMD7, .CMD8, .CMD9, .CMDa, .CMDb, .CMDc
.Command_Function_Pointers dw dumpmem_hardcoded_args, keyprint, svim, lsfs_list_files_command, lsfs_create_file, lsfs_format_disk, lsfs_get_fs_info, os_clear_screen, print_help_message, Go32Bit, xex, lsfs_create_file
.CMD1 db 'dumpmem', 0
.CMD2 db 'keyprint', 0
.CMD3 db 'svim', 0
.CMD4 db 'ls', 0
.CMD5 db 'createfile', 0
.CMD6 db 'formatdisk', 0
.CMD7 db 'fsinfo', 0
.CMD8 db 'clear', 0
.CMD9 db 'help', 0
.CMDa db 'go32', 0
.CMDb db 'xex', 0
.CMDc db 'cf', 0 ; short for createfile