Jakob Kjær-Kammersgaard 5 лет назад
1 измененных файлов: 46 добавлений и 6 удалений
  1. +46

+ 46
- 6
go32bit.nasm Просмотреть файл

@ -274,9 +274,19 @@ DrawBG:
; eax now = x^2 + y^2
imul eax, 7
mov ebx, [Zoom]
sar ebx, 8
imul eax, ebx
mov ebx, [ColorOffset]
shr ebx, 8
mov bh, bl
add ax, bx
and ah, 0x7f
; mov bh, al
; sar ebx, 8
@ -296,8 +306,6 @@ DrawBG:
; pop edx
; pop eax
add ax, bx
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 80
@ -325,6 +333,8 @@ WriteProtectedModeString:
; je .ThereWasNothing
; cmp al, 0xB6 ; Right Shift Break
; je .ThereWasNothing
cmp al, 0x01
je .KeyEscape
cmp al, 0x4b; left
je .KeyLeft
cmp al, 0x48; up
@ -333,6 +343,10 @@ WriteProtectedModeString:
je .KeyDown
cmp al, 0x4d; down
je .KeyRight
cmp al, 0x33; <
je .KeyLess
cmp al, 0x34; >
je .KeyGreater
; test al, 0x80
; je .ThereWasSomething
@ -340,6 +354,9 @@ WriteProtectedModeString:
jmp .PrintKeyLegend
; lea esi, [ProtectedWelcomeStr]
call Reboot
jmp .PrintKeyLegend
mov [Key], byte 'L'
@ -356,6 +373,14 @@ WriteProtectedModeString:
mov [Key], byte 'D'
add [Py], dword 1
jmp .PrintKeyLegend
mov [Key], byte '<'
add [Zoom], dword -1
jmp .PrintKeyLegend
mov [Key], byte '>'
add [Zoom], dword 1
lea esi, [ThereWasSomethingStr]
@ -377,12 +402,17 @@ WriteProtectedModeString:
rep stosw
lea edi, [VIDEO + (80*24 + 1)*2]
mov eax, dword [Px]
sar eax, 6
sar eax, 4
call StringifyEax10
lea edi, [VIDEO + (80*24 + 10)*2]
lea edi, [VIDEO + (80*24 + 11)*2]
mov eax, dword [Py]
sar eax, 6
sar eax, 4
call StringifyEax10
lea edi, [VIDEO + (80*24 + 21)*2]
mov eax, dword [Zoom]
sar eax, 8
call StringifyEax10
add [ColorOffset], dword 1
@ -449,6 +479,15 @@ StringifyEax10:
.sign db ' '
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in al, 0x64
test al, 00000010b ; Wait for an empty Input Buffer
jne Reboot
mov al, 0xFE
out 0x64, al ; Send the reboot call to the keyboard controller
jmp Reboot
;; Strings
@ -458,4 +497,5 @@ StringifyEax10:
Px: dd 0
Py: dd 0
ColorOffset: dw 0
Zoom: dw 1
align 512
