Bladeren bron

Seperated the file system implementation from the fuse implementation

Jørn Guldberg 4 jaren geleden
3 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 1306 en 0 verwijderingen
  1. +278
  2. +876
  3. +152

+ 278
- 0
disk_manager_utility.c Bestand weergeven

@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "lsfs_disk_controller.h"
static int disk_is_loaded = 0;
static char loaded_disk_name[256];
static char input_buffer[256];
int dmu_print_file(char *path) {
printf("\n|-----------------Meta Information For File-----------------|\n");
lsfs_file *file = calloc(1, sizeof(lsfs_file));
lsfs_disk_getattr(file, path);
printf("File ID: %lu\n", file->file_id);
printf("Filename: %s\n", file->filename);
printf("File size: %lu\n", file->size);
printf("Entry kind: %d", file->entry_kind);
printf("Index in directory table: %d", file->table_entry_pointer);
printf("Sector index on disk: %lu\n", file->table_entry_sector_index);
printf("\nData pointers:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DATA_POINTERS; ++i)
printf("%lu\n", file->data_pointer[i]);
printf("\n|-------------------------File Data-------------------------|\n");
char* file_data = calloc(MAX_NUM_ONE_LEVEL_DATA, SECTOR_SIZE);
int size_of_data = 0;
size_of_data = lsfs_disk_read_data_from_file(fileID, (256*4096), file_data);
if (size_of_data <= 0) {
printf("|File has no data!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_ONE_LEVEL_DATA; ++i)
if (size_of_data <= 0) {
printf("|%s", file_data);
size_of_data -= SECTOR_SIZE;
printf("\n|---------------------End File Data-------------------------|\n");
return 1;
#if 0
typedef struct sector_data
char data[SECTOR_SIZE];
} sector_data;
int dmu_install_SingOS(char* disk_name) {
disk = fopen ( disk_name , "r+b" );
p_control.fsci = malloc(sizeof(FSCI));
p_control.mtt_tags = malloc(sizeof(global_tag) * DEFAULT_MASTER_TAG_TABLE_SIZE);
lsfs_disk_load_disk(disk, &p_control);
lsfs_tag_id untagged = lsfs_disk_create_tag("@untagged", false);
lsfs_tag_id sy_files = lsfs_disk_create_tag("@system_files", false);
lsfs_tag_id SingOS_files = lsfs_disk_create_tag("@SingOS", false);
/* Add files: */
char* new_file_data_d = calloc(1, 4096);
char* rtfm_file = "If you don't know the answer\nRead the F manual\n";
sprintf(new_file_data_d, "%s", rtfm_file);
char* l_filename = "";
lsfs_sector_offset* tags = calloc(2, sizeof(lsfs_sector_offset));
lsfs_tag_id filename_tag = lsfs_disk_create_tag(l_filename, true);
tags[0] = filename_tag;
tags[1] = sy_files;
int rtfm_file_if = lsfs_disk_create_file(l_filename, tags, new_file_data_d );
lsfs_disk_write_data_to_file(rtfm_file_if, strlen(rtfm_file), new_file_data_d);
char* vip_file = "Very important file\n" ;
sprintf(new_file_data_d, "%s", vip_file);
l_filename = "";
filename_tag = lsfs_disk_create_tag(l_filename, true);
tags[0] = filename_tag;
tags[1] = sy_files;
int vip_file_id = lsfs_disk_create_file(l_filename, tags, new_file_data_d );
lsfs_disk_write_data_to_file(vip_file_id, strlen(vip_file), new_file_data_d);
char* sing_os_file = "SingOS is comming\n\nWe are not ready to expose the binaries nor the source\nBut read more @\nSingOS is real\n\n- groot\n" ;
sprintf(new_file_data_d, "%s", sing_os_file);
l_filename = "";
filename_tag = lsfs_disk_create_tag(l_filename, true);
tags[0] = filename_tag;
tags[1] = SingOS_files;
int sing_id = lsfs_disk_create_file(l_filename, tags, new_file_data_d );
lsfs_disk_write_data_to_file(sing_id, strlen(sing_os_file), new_file_data_d);
fclose (disk);
int dmu_create_file_system(char* disk_name) {
uint64_t filesystem_size_in_MB = 0;
char hdd_or_partition[8]; // 1: is harddisk, 2: is partition
char input_size_file_system[64]; // in MB
do {
printf("Create as 1: harddrive or 2: as a single partition (enter 1 or 2): \n");
scanf("%s", hdd_or_partition);
} while ((hdd_or_partition[0] != '1') && (hdd_or_partition[0] != '2'));
printf("Enter size of file system in MB (as an integer number): \n");
scanf("%s", input_size_file_system);
filesystem_size_in_MB = atoi(input_size_file_system);
printf("Create new disk img\n");
create_file_system(disk_name, hdd_or_partition, filesystem_size_in_MB);
printf("Disk is created as: %s\n", disk_name);
fclose (disk);
// TODO: Do you want to install SingOS:
return 1;
int dmu_load_file_system(char* disk_name) {
disk = fopen ( disk_name , "r+b" );
disk_is_loaded = 1;
return 1;
int dmu_install_bootloader(char* disk_name) {
return 1;
int dmu_install_vbr(char* disk_name) {
return 1;
int dmu_print_mtt(char *path) {
Directory_Table *directory_table;
directory_table = lsfs_find_directory(path, false);
printf("\n|------------------------ Directory ------------------------|Control_bits|\n");
for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE; ++i) {
printf("|%-28s|%-30lu|%-12d| \n", directory_table->entries[i].filename, directory_table->entries[i].file_id, directory_table->entries[i].file_id);
return 1;
#if 0
int dmu_print_tag_table(lsfs_tag_id TagID) {
tag_record* tag_table = calloc(1, SECTOR_SIZE);
mif* mif_data = calloc(1, SECTOR_SIZE);
read_data_from_disk(TagID, tag_table);
printf("Tag Table for: %lu\n", TagID);
printf("\n|------------------------Tag Table--------------------------|\n");
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS_IN_TAG_TABLE; ++i) {
if (tag_table[i].mif_record == 0) {
read_data_from_disk(tag_table[i].mif_record, mif_data);
printf("|%-28lu|%-30s| \n", tag_table[i].mif_record, mif_data->filename);
return 1;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
char chose[8];
while(strcmp(chose, "exit")) {
if(!disk_is_loaded) {
printf("Tag File System Utility\nMenu:\nc: Create new lsfs disk\nl: load disk\nEnter:");
else {
printf("Tag File System Utility\nDisk loaded: %s\nMenu:\n1: Print Master Tag Table\n2: Print Tag Table\n3: Print File\n4: Create Tag\n5: Create New File\ni: install Bootloader\n", loaded_disk_name);
scanf("%s", chose);
if (strcmp(chose, "c") == 0) {
printf("\nCreate disk\nEnter filename:\n");
scanf("%s", loaded_disk_name);
else if(strcmp(chose, "l") == 0) {
printf("\nLoad disk\nEnter filename:\n");
scanf("%s", loaded_disk_name);
else if(strcmp(chose, "i") == 0) {
printf("\nInstall Bootloader\nEnter filename:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
else if(strcmp(chose, "v") == 0) {
printf("\nInstall VBR\nEnter filename:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
else if(strcmp(chose, "1") == 0) {
// Print Directory:
printf("Enter Directory:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
else if(strcmp(chose, "3") == 0) {
// Print File
printf("Enter path:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
dmu_print_file( input_buffer );
else if(strcmp(chose, "5") == 0) {
printf("Enter Directory:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
int new_id = lsfs_disk_create_entry(input_buffer, ENTRY_DIRECTORY );
//lsfs_disk_write_data_to_file(new_id, strlen(new_file_data_d), new_file_data_d);
#if 0
else if(strcmp(chose, "2") == 0) {
// Print Master Tag Table
printf("Enter Tag ID:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
dmu_print_tag_table( (lsfs_tag_id) atoi(input_buffer) );
else if(strcmp(chose, "4") == 0) {
// Print Master Tag Table
printf("Enter Tag name:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
lsfs_disk_create_tag(input_buffer, false);
printf("Write data:\n");
char* new_file_data_d = calloc(1, 4096);
scanf("%s", new_file_data_d);
if(disk_is_loaded) {
fclose (disk);
return 0;

+ 876
- 0
lsfs_disk_controller.h Bestand weergeven

@ -0,0 +1,876 @@
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "lsfs_string.h"
typedef struct Directory_Table Directory_Table;
typedef struct struct_table_entry struct_table_entry;
typedef struct struct_partition_control partition_control;
typedef struct File_System_Control_Information FSCI;
typedef struct meta_information_format mif;
typedef struct tag_record tag_record;
typedef struct lsfs_file lsfs_file;
typedef enum Table_Entry_Kind Table_Entry_Kind;
typedef uint64_t lsfs_sector_offset;
typedef lsfs_sector_offset lsfs_file_id;
//typedef uint64_t sector_index;
static FILE* disk;
static partition_control p_control;
static time_t timestamp_loading;
int create_file_system(char* disk_name, char* hdd_or_partition, uint64_t filesystem_size_in_MB);
int lsfs_disk_create_entry(const char* path, Table_Entry_Kind entry_kind);
Directory_Table* lsfs_find_directory(const char* path, bool drop_filename);
int lsfs_disk_getattr(lsfs_file* find_file, const char *path);
int lsfs_disk_delete_entry(lsfs_file *file);
int get_free_sectors_table();
int get_free_sectors(int num_sectors_needed, lsfs_sector_offset* output_array);
int lsfs_disk_read_data_from_file(lsfs_file *file, int data_length, char *data, size_t offset_to_next_entry);
int lsfs_disk_write_data_to_file(lsfs_file* file, int data_length, char *data, size_t offset_to_next_entry);
int lsfs_disk_rename_file(const char* old_filename_, const char* new_filename);
int lsfs_disk_load_disk();
int write_data_to_disk(lsfs_sector_offset at_sector, uint32_t number_sectors, void* data_to_write);
int write_data_to_disk_off(lsfs_sector_offset index, uint32_t number_sectors, void* data_to_write, int offset);
int read_data_from_disk(lsfs_sector_offset index, uint32_t number_sectors, void* data_buffer);
int read_data_from_disk_off(lsfs_sector_offset index, uint32_t number_sectors, void* data_to_write, int offset);
int save_modified_file_information(lsfs_file* file);
#define SPACE_MBR_RECORD 32 // 2048 // Sectors
#define SPACE_VBR_RECORD 32 // 2048 // Sectors
#define SIZE_FSCI_RECORD 1 // Sectors
#define DEFAULT_ENTRY_SIZE 1 // Sectors
#define SECTOR_SIZE 512 // BYTES
#define DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE 8 // This is in sectors
#define DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE 8 // 16
typedef enum Table_Entry_Kind
// These are specific values since, is has to corrospond to the implementation in assembly
} Table_Entry_Kind;
typedef struct Partition_Entry
uint8_t active_falg; // This has value 0x80 if it is a bootable partition / it is an active partition.
uint8_t CHS_start_addr[3]; // [0] = H, [1] = S, [2] = C
uint8_t partition_type; // This has a value such that one can idenfity which file system the partition is.
uint8_t CHS_last_addr[3]; // [0] = H, [1] = S, [2] = C
uint32_t LBA_abs_first_sector;
uint32_t number_of_sectors;
} __attribute__((packed)) Partition_Entry;
typedef struct Master_Boot_record
uint8_t code[446]; // The code for the bootloader
Partition_Entry partitions[4];
uint16_t mbr_signature; // Signature
} __attribute__((packed)) Master_Boot_record;
typedef struct Volume_Boot_record
uint8_t code[446]; // The code for the bootloader
uint64_t vbr_size_in_bytes; // Signature
uint64_t vbr_LBA_address;
uint64_t vbr_LBA_FSCI_position;
uint64_t not_used[5];
uint16_t vbr_signature; // Signature
} __attribute__((packed)) Volume_Boot_record;
typedef struct struct_table_entry
char filename[256];
lsfs_file_id file_id;
uint64_t file_size;
mif* ext_file_data;
uint32_t number_sectors; // This tells how many block there are allocated for the specific file. eg. we read this amount of bloks for the file.
uint8_t entry_kind;
uint8_t extra_control_bits1;
uint8_t extra_control_bits2;
uint8_t extra_control_bits3;
lsfs_sector_offset table_entry_sector_index;
lsfs_sector_offset data_pointer[NUM_DATA_POINTERS]; // if it is a directory, the first pointer will be to the next table.
} __attribute__((packed)) Table_Entry;
typedef struct Directory_Table
struct_table_entry entries[DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE];
} __attribute__((packed)) Directory_Table;
typedef struct File_System_Control_Information
char filesystem_information[256];
lsfs_sector_offset master_table_index;
lsfs_sector_offset this_partition_offset_on_disk;
lsfs_sector_offset next_free_sector;
uint64_t next_uniqe_id; // both files and directories gets this.
lsfs_sector_offset next_sector_reuse_pointer;
lsfs_sector_offset last_sector_index_on_partition;
lsfs_sector_offset maximum_sectors_on_disk;
lsfs_sector_offset sector_size_on_disk;
uint64_t not_used[24];
} __attribute__((packed)) FSCI;
typedef struct struct_partition_control
FSCI fsci;
Directory_Table master_table;
} __attribute__((packed)) partition_control;
typedef struct meta_information_format {
char filename[246]; // remeber that the 246 bytes has to be a /0 terminator..
uint32_t owner_id;
lsfs_file_id tags[32];
uint64_t file_size;
uint32_t control_bits;
/* not pressent - Permission key table 64 bytes sha-265 pr. key*/
uint64_t creation_date;
uint64_t last_modification_data;
uint64_t last_access_date;
* 256 first pointers in direct mapping to data
* 94 next pointers is a pointer
* 94 next pointers to pointers to data
lsfs_sector_offset one_level_pointer_data[NUM_DATA_POINTERS];
lsfs_sector_offset two_level_pointer_data[94];
lsfs_sector_offset three_level_pointer_data[94];
} __attribute__((packed)) mif;
typedef struct tag_record {
/* SIZE 16 bytes */
lsfs_file_id mif_record;
struct {
uint64_t is_filename : 1;
} control_bits;
} __attribute__((packed)) tag_record;
typedef struct lsfs_file {
lsfs_file_id file_id;
lsfs_sector_offset table_entry_pointer;
Table_Entry_Kind entry_kind;
char* filename;
uint32_t owner_id;
uint64_t size;
uint64_t creation_date;
uint64_t access_time;
uint64_t modification_time;
uint32_t number_sectors;
lsfs_sector_offset table_entry_sector_index;
lsfs_sector_offset data_pointer[NUM_DATA_POINTERS];
} lsfs_file;
Directory_Table* lsfs_find_directory(const char *path, bool drop_filename)
Directory_Table *dir_table = calloc(1, sizeof(Directory_Table));
printf("Table index: %lu \n",p_control.fsci.master_table_index );
read_data_from_disk(p_control.fsci.master_table_index, DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE, dir_table);
lsfs_string_array split_path = lsfs_string_split_c(path, '/', false);
int number_of_traversal = split_path.length;
if (drop_filename)
number_of_traversal -= 1;
// Start from the master table
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_traversal; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE; ++j)
if (strcmp(dir_table->entries[j].filename, split_path.strings[i].chars) == 0)
int index_sector = dir_table->entries[j].data_pointer[0];
printf("Table index: %lu \n",index_sector );
read_data_from_disk(index_sector, DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE, dir_table);
return dir_table;
int lsfs_disk_getattr(lsfs_file* find_file, const char* path) {
lsfs_string_array split_path = lsfs_string_split_c(path, '/', false);
lsfs_string filename = split_path.strings[split_path.length-1];
// Start from the master table
Directory_Table *dir_table = lsfs_find_directory(path, true);
for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE; ++i)
if(strcmp( filename.chars, dir_table->entries[i].filename ) == 0) {
find_file->file_id = dir_table->entries[i].file_id;
find_file->entry_kind = dir_table->entries[i].entry_kind;
find_file->table_entry_pointer = i;
find_file->filename = dir_table->entries[i].filename;
find_file->table_entry_sector_index = dir_table->entries[i].table_entry_sector_index;
find_file->owner_id = getuid();
find_file->size = dir_table->entries[i].file_size; // dir_table->entries[i].data_pointer[0]; //;
find_file->creation_date = (uint64_t) timestamp_loading;
find_file->access_time = (uint64_t) timestamp_loading;
find_file->modification_time = (uint64_t) timestamp_loading;
memcpy(find_file->data_pointer, dir_table->entries[i].data_pointer, NUM_DATA_POINTERS * 8);
find_file->number_sectors = 1; // TODO: should be loaded from disk.
return 1;
return 0;
int lsfs_disk_read_data_from_file(lsfs_file *file, int buffer_size, char *data, size_t offset_to_next_entry)
int data_length = file->size - offset_to_next_entry;
int amount_read = 0;
int amount_to_read = 0;
int remaining_offset = offset_to_next_entry;
//printf("READ: buffer_size: %d\n", buffer_size);
//printf("READ: Data length: %d\n", data_length);
//printf("READ: Offset length: %d\n", offset_to_next_entry);
int data_pointer_index = 0; // start at first data pointer.
if (data_length > buffer_size)
data_length = buffer_size;
while(data_length > 0) // We have more to write
//printf("READ: Remaing Data length: %d\n", data_length);
if (remaining_offset == 0)
char *tmp_buffer = calloc(DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE, SECTOR_SIZE);
amount_to_read = data_length;
//read_data_from_disk(lsfs_sector_offset index, uint32_t number_sectors, void* data_buffer)
if (file->data_pointer[data_pointer_index] == 0)
read_data_from_disk(file->data_pointer[data_pointer_index], DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE, tmp_buffer);
memcpy((data + amount_read), tmp_buffer, amount_to_read);
data_length -= amount_to_read;
amount_read += amount_to_read;
else if (remaining_offset < (DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE))
char *tmp_buffer = calloc(1, (DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE));
if (data_length < ((DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE) - remaining_offset) )
amount_to_read = data_length;
amount_to_read = ((DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE) - remaining_offset);
read_data_from_disk(file->data_pointer[data_pointer_index], DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE, tmp_buffer);
memcpy(data, (tmp_buffer + remaining_offset), amount_to_read);
data_length -= amount_to_read;
amount_read += amount_to_read;
remaining_offset -= amount_to_read;
// We have to skip a whole data pointer:
time_t current_time;
time ( &current_time );
file->access_time = current_time;
return amount_read;
static inline time_t lsfs_disk_update_timestamps(lsfs_file *file) {
return file->modification_time = file->access_time = time(NULL);
#define lsfs_num_sectors_for_size(x) (((x)+SECTOR_SIZE-1)&~(SECTOR_SIZE-1))
int lsfs_disk_write_data_to_file(lsfs_file *file, int data_length, char *data, size_t offset_to_next_entry)
int new_filesize = data_length + offset_to_next_entry;
int amount_written = 0;
int amount_to_write = 0;
//printf("Data length: %d\n", data_length);
//printf("Offset length: %d\n", offset_to_next_entry);
int data_pointer_index = 0; // start at first data pointer.
while(data_length > 0) // We have more to write
while (file->data_pointer[data_pointer_index] == 0)
// we have to assign a free sector
if (get_free_sectors(1, file->data_pointer))
// This is a fail case, we cannot assign a new sector:
return amount_written;
if (offset_to_next_entry == 0)
char *tmp_buffer = calloc(DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE, SECTOR_SIZE);
amount_to_write = data_length;
memcpy(tmp_buffer, (data + amount_written), amount_to_write);
data_length -= amount_to_write;
amount_written += amount_to_write;
write_data_to_disk(file->data_pointer[data_pointer_index], DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE, tmp_buffer);
else if (offset_to_next_entry < (DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE))
char *tmp_buffer = calloc(1, (DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE));
read_data_from_disk(file->data_pointer[data_pointer_index], DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE, tmp_buffer);
if (data_length < ((DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE) - offset_to_next_entry) )
amount_to_write = data_length;
amount_to_write = ((DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE) - offset_to_next_entry);
memcpy(tmp_buffer + offset_to_next_entry, data, amount_to_write);
data_length -= amount_to_write;
amount_written += amount_to_write;
offset_to_next_entry -= amount_to_write;
write_data_to_disk(file->data_pointer[data_pointer_index], DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE, tmp_buffer);
// We have to skip a whole data pointer:
offset_to_next_entry -= (DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE);
//printf("Skip, offset is now: %d\n", offset_to_next_entry);
time_t current_time;
time ( &current_time );
file->size = new_filesize; // update file size
file->access_time = current_time;
file->modification_time = current_time;
//write_data_to_disk(file->file_id, 4, &p_control.master_table[file->file_id]);
// Should return the total new file size
//printf("We Think that we have written: %d \n", amount_written);
return amount_written;
time_t lsfs_disk_truncate_file(lsfs_file *file, off_t offset) {
//mif file_mif;
//read_data_from_disk(file_id, &file_mif);
time_t result = lsfs_disk_update_timestamps(file);
file->size = (int) offset; // p_control.master_table.entries[i].data_pointer[0]; //;
//write_data_to_disk(file->file_id, 4, NULL);
return result;
int lsfs_disk_rename_file(const char* old_filename, const char* new_filename) {
lsfs_file *old_file = calloc(1, sizeof(lsfs_file));
lsfs_file *new_file = calloc(1, sizeof(lsfs_file));
lsfs_disk_getattr(old_file, old_filename);
if (old_file->entry_kind == ENTRY_FILE)
lsfs_disk_create_entry(new_filename, ENTRY_FILE);
lsfs_disk_create_entry(new_filename, ENTRY_DIRECTORY);
lsfs_disk_getattr(new_file, new_filename);
new_file->file_id = old_file->file_id;
new_file->size = old_file->size;
// TODO(Jørn) The data pointer assignt to the new file should be released.
memcpy(new_file->data_pointer, old_file->data_pointer, NUM_DATA_POINTERS * 8);
return 0;
int lsfs_disk_delete_entry(lsfs_file *file) {
//printf("file: %s - has been deleted \n", file->filename);
Table_Entry *zero_buffer = calloc(1, (DEFAULT_ENTRY_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE));
//read_data_from_disk(file_id, 1, mif_record);
write_data_to_disk(file->table_entry_sector_index, DEFAULT_ENTRY_SIZE, zero_buffer);
return 1;
int lsfs_disk_delete_directory(const char *path) {
// Find the directory and check if this is empty for entries:
Directory_Table *directory_table = calloc(1, (DEFAULT_ENTRY_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE));
directory_table = lsfs_find_directory(path, false);
bool empty = true;
for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE; ++i)
if (directory_table->entries[i].entry_kind != 0)
empty = false;
if (!empty)
return 1;
lsfs_file *file = calloc(1, sizeof(lsfs_file));
lsfs_disk_getattr(file, path);
Table_Entry *zero_buffer = calloc(1, (DEFAULT_ENTRY_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE));
//read_data_from_disk(file_id, 1, mif_record);
write_data_to_disk(file->table_entry_sector_index, DEFAULT_ENTRY_SIZE, zero_buffer);
return 0;
int get_free_sectors_table() {
// We need DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE sectors straight contigious for a table
// Otherwise the file system cannot make a new table.
// We return the offset where the table is starting.
// If we cannot assing DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE sectors, we report errror.
int return_index = p_control.fsci.next_free_sector;
if ((p_control.fsci.next_free_sector + DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE) > p_control.fsci.last_sector_index_on_partition)
// We don't have space, report error
return -EINVAL;
p_control.fsci.next_free_sector += DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE;
fseek ( disk , ((p_control.fsci.this_partition_offset_on_disk) * SECTOR_SIZE), SEEK_SET );
fwrite(&p_control.fsci, 1, SECTOR_SIZE, disk);
//printf("Table has got assigned Sector: %d\n", return_index);
return return_index;
int get_free_sectors(int num_sectors_needed, lsfs_sector_offset* output_array) {
if ((p_control.fsci.next_free_sector + num_sectors_needed) > p_control.fsci.last_sector_index_on_partition )
// We cannot assign what we want.
return -EINVAL;
int i = 0;
while (num_sectors_needed > 0)
return -EINVAL; // We don't have any more data pointers.
if (output_array[i] == 0)
// If free we can assign:
output_array[i] = p_control.fsci.next_free_sector;
p_control.fsci.next_free_sector += DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE;
fseek ( disk , (p_control.fsci.this_partition_offset_on_disk) * SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET );
fwrite(&p_control.fsci, 1, SECTOR_SIZE, disk);
return 0;
int create_file_system(char* disk_name, char* hdd_or_partition, uint64_t filesystem_size_in_MB) {
//char* sector_to_write;
// make default File System Control information (FSCI)
// first integer says how many pointers we got
// to master tag tables
// Second and forward is the pointers to the master Tag Tables
// we need the first number to allocate memory at one go.
FSCI *fsci = calloc(1, sizeof(FSCI));
// Create disk on host system:
disk = fopen ( disk_name , "wb" );
ftruncate(fileno(disk), (filesystem_size_in_MB * 2048 * 512));
if (hdd_or_partition[0] == '1')
// This is the create hdd case
// This means that we setup the partition table.
Master_Boot_record *mbr = calloc(1, sizeof(Master_Boot_record));
mbr->partitions[0].partition_type = 0x18;
mbr->partitions[0].LBA_abs_first_sector = SPACE_MBR_RECORD;
mbr->partitions[0].number_of_sectors = filesystem_size_in_MB * 2048;
mbr->mbr_signature = 0xaa55;
write_data_to_disk(0, 1, mbr); // Write this to the first sector of the disk.
if ((hdd_or_partition[0] == '1') || (hdd_or_partition[0] == '2'))
// This is just a single partition
// And then the file system is the only thing in the system.
sprintf(fsci->filesystem_information, "LSFS v1.0.0-a1\r\n(LessSimpelFileSystem)(Generated by the disk_manager_utility.c)\r\nDeveloped to SingOS\r\nby Jorn Guldberg\r\n");
if (hdd_or_partition[0] == '1')
fsci->this_partition_offset_on_disk = SPACE_MBR_RECORD + SPACE_VBR_RECORD;
fsci->this_partition_offset_on_disk = SPACE_VBR_RECORD;
fsci->master_table_index = fsci->this_partition_offset_on_disk + 1;
fsci->next_free_sector = fsci->master_table_index + DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE;
fsci->next_uniqe_id = 1;
fsci->next_sector_reuse_pointer = 0;
fsci->last_sector_index_on_partition = filesystem_size_in_MB * 2048; // Todo, this is the ssectors pr MB, this should not be hardcoded.
fsci->maximum_sectors_on_disk = filesystem_size_in_MB * 2048; //TODO(Jørn) Not in use yet
fsci->sector_size_on_disk = SECTOR_SIZE;
// This is an error case, and we should not hit this case.
write_data_to_disk(fsci->this_partition_offset_on_disk, 1, fsci);
return 0;
int lsfs_disk_install_bootloader(char *bootloader_name)
FILE *bootloader = fopen ( bootloader_name , "r+b" );
Master_Boot_record *bootloader_mbr = calloc(1, sizeof(Master_Boot_record));
fseek(bootloader, 0 * SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET);
fread(bootloader_mbr, 1, SECTOR_SIZE, bootloader);
Master_Boot_record *mbr = calloc(1, sizeof(Master_Boot_record));
fseek( disk , 0 * SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET );
fread(mbr, 1, SECTOR_SIZE, disk);
memcpy(mbr->code, bootloader_mbr->code, 446);
write_data_to_disk(0, 1, mbr); // Write this to the first sector of the disk.
return 0;
int lsfs_disk_install_vbr(char *vbr_path)
struct stat st;
stat(vbr_path, &st);
FILE *vbr = fopen ( vbr_path , "r+b" );
Volume_Boot_record *vbr_first_sector = calloc(1, SECTOR_SIZE);
void *vbr_buffer_rest = calloc(1, (SPACE_VBR_RECORD * SECTOR_SIZE - 1));
// First load first sector
fseek(vbr, 0, SEEK_SET);
fread(vbr_first_sector, 1, SECTOR_SIZE, vbr);
fseek(vbr, SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET);
fread(vbr_buffer_rest, 1, (st.st_size - SECTOR_SIZE), vbr);
vbr_first_sector->vbr_size_in_bytes = st.st_size;
vbr_first_sector->vbr_LBA_address = p_control.fsci.this_partition_offset_on_disk - SPACE_VBR_RECORD;
vbr_first_sector->vbr_LBA_FSCI_position = p_control.fsci.this_partition_offset_on_disk;
vbr_first_sector->vbr_signature = 0x1818;
printf("VBR size: %d\n", vbr_first_sector->vbr_size_in_bytes);
printf("VBR lba address: %d\n", vbr_first_sector->vbr_LBA_address);
printf("VBR FSCI: %d\n", vbr_first_sector->vbr_LBA_FSCI_position);
write_data_to_disk((p_control.fsci.this_partition_offset_on_disk - SPACE_VBR_RECORD), 1, vbr_first_sector); // Write this to the first sector of the disk.
write_data_to_disk((p_control.fsci.this_partition_offset_on_disk - SPACE_VBR_RECORD + 1), (SPACE_VBR_RECORD - 1), vbr_buffer_rest); // Write this to the first sector of the disk.
Master_Boot_record mbr;
fseek( disk , 0 * SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET );
fread(&mbr, 1, sizeof(mbr), disk);
if (mbr.mbr_signature == 0xaa55 )
mbr.partitions[0].active_falg = 0x80; // TODO(Jørn) Hardcoded partition.
write_data_to_disk(0, 1, &mbr);
return -EINVAL;
return 0;
int lsfs_disk_load_disk() {
// Find the partition talbe:
// This makes is BIOS dependent.
// UEFI is not supported.
Master_Boot_record mbr;
fseek( disk , 0 * SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET );
fread(&mbr, 1, sizeof(mbr), disk);
if (mbr.mbr_signature != 0xaa55 )
// Means that it is a sigle partition we try to mount
fread(&p_control.fsci, 1, SECTOR_SIZE , disk);
//printf("next free sector: %d\n", p_control.fsci.next_free_sector);
//printf("next free ID: %d\n", p_control.fsci.next_uniqe_id);
// next we find the Mater Table.
fseek (disk, (p_control.fsci.master_table_index * SECTOR_SIZE), SEEK_SET );
fread(&p_control.master_table, 1, DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE , disk);
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_MBR_PARTITIONS; ++i)
// TODO (Jørn) We maybe wnat to optimize, such that we can detect if we have more than one partition opn the system.
if (mbr.partitions[i].partition_type == 0x18)
// First we find the File system control information.
fseek(disk , ((mbr.partitions[i].LBA_abs_first_sector + SPACE_VBR_RECORD) * SECTOR_SIZE), SEEK_SET );
fread(&p_control.fsci, 1, SECTOR_SIZE , disk);
// next we find the Mater Table.
fseek (disk, (p_control.fsci.master_table_index * SECTOR_SIZE), SEEK_SET );
fread(&p_control.master_table, 1, DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE , disk);
return 1;
return 0;
int lsfs_disk_create_entry(const char* path, Table_Entry_Kind entry_kind)
// First check if file exist:
lsfs_file *file = calloc(1, sizeof(lsfs_file));
if (lsfs_disk_getattr(file, path))
return -EINVAL;
// Start from the master table
int free_index = -1; // -1 is no index found.
Directory_Table *dir_table = calloc(1, sizeof(Directory_Table));
read_data_from_disk(p_control.fsci.master_table_index, DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE, dir_table);
lsfs_sector_offset table_disk_position = p_control.fsci.master_table_index;
lsfs_string_array split_path = lsfs_string_split_c(path, '/', false);
lsfs_string filename = split_path.strings[split_path.length-1];
//printf("spilt length: %d\n", split_path.length);
for (int i = 0; i < split_path.length -1; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE; ++j)
if (strcmp(dir_table->entries[j].filename, split_path.strings[i].chars) == 0)
// We have found the next directory to traverse.
//printf("Get next dir at sector: ");
table_disk_position = dir_table->entries[j].data_pointer[0];
//printf("%d\n", table_disk_position);
read_data_from_disk(table_disk_position, DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE, dir_table);
for (int table_index = 0; table_index < DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE; ++table_index)
// Find free index.
if (dir_table->entries[table_index].entry_kind == ENTRY_EMPTY)
// Set the free index, continue to see if the filename exist.
// if not -1, we have found a better index.
if (free_index == -1)
//printf("Index found for file: %d\n", table_index);
table_disk_position += table_index; // Abselout index in file system
free_index = table_index;
if (free_index == -1)
// The table is full, and we cannot create an entry
return -EINVAL;
// Find the entry for the file in the table structure:
dir_table->entries[free_index].file_id = p_control.fsci.next_uniqe_id;
sprintf(dir_table->entries[free_index].filename, "%s", filename.chars);
dir_table->entries[free_index].entry_kind = entry_kind;
dir_table->entries[free_index].table_entry_sector_index = table_disk_position;
if (entry_kind == ENTRY_DIRECTORY)
dir_table->entries[free_index].data_pointer[0] = get_free_sectors_table();
dir_table->entries[free_index].file_size = DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE * SECTOR_SIZE;
else if (entry_kind == ENTRY_FILE)
// We assign one data pointer consiting of DEFAULT_DATA_POINTER_SIZE sectors
dir_table->entries[free_index].file_size = 0;
get_free_sectors(1, dir_table->entries[free_index].data_pointer);
return -EINVAL;
find_file->creation_date = (uint64_t) current_time;
find_file->access_time = (uint64_t) current_time;
find_file->modification_time = (uint64_t) current_time;
find_file->data = p_control.master_table.entries[i].data_pointer;
find_file->owner_id = getuid();
new_file_data.owner_id = getuid();
time_t current_time;
time ( &current_time );
//printf("File is written to sector: %d\n", table_disk_position);
write_data_to_disk(table_disk_position, DEFAULT_ENTRY_SIZE, &dir_table->entries[free_index]);
return 0;
int save_modified_file_information(lsfs_file* file) {
// Write the file struct into the table_entry, such that we can save the data correct.
Table_Entry *entry = calloc(1, sizeof(Table_Entry));
read_data_from_disk(file->table_entry_sector_index, DEFAULT_ENTRY_SIZE, entry);
//entry.file_id = file->file_id;
memcpy(entry->filename, file->filename, 256);
entry->file_size = file->size; // p_control.master_table.entries[i].data_pointer[0]; //;
memcpy(entry->data_pointer, file->data_pointer, NUM_DATA_POINTERS * 8);
write_data_to_disk(file->table_entry_sector_index, DEFAULT_ENTRY_SIZE, entry);
return 0;
int write_data_to_disk(lsfs_sector_offset index, uint32_t number_sectors, void* data_to_write) {
fseek ( disk, (index * SECTOR_SIZE), SEEK_SET ); // SEEK_SET start offset at index 0 and move 1 * SECTOR_SIZE, and write here.
int written = fwrite(data_to_write, 1, (number_sectors * SECTOR_SIZE), disk);
return written;
int write_data_to_disk_off(lsfs_sector_offset index, uint32_t number_sectors, void* data_to_write, int offset) {
fseek ( disk, ((index * SECTOR_SIZE) + offset), SEEK_SET ); // SEEK_SET start offset at index 0 and move 1 * SECTOR_SIZE, and write here.
int written = fwrite(data_to_write, 1, ((number_sectors * SECTOR_SIZE) - offset), disk);
return written;
int read_data_from_disk(lsfs_sector_offset index, uint32_t number_sectors, void* data_buffer) {
fseek ( disk, (index * SECTOR_SIZE ), SEEK_SET ); // SEEK_SET start offset at index 0 and move 1 * SECTOR_SIZE, and write here.
int read = fread(data_buffer, 1, (number_sectors * SECTOR_SIZE), disk);
return read;
int read_data_from_disk_off(lsfs_sector_offset index, uint32_t number_sectors, void* data_to_write, int offset) {
fseek ( disk, ((index * SECTOR_SIZE) + offset), SEEK_SET ); // SEEK_SET start offset at index 0 and move 1 * SECTOR_SIZE, and write here.
int written = fread(data_to_write, 1, ((number_sectors * SECTOR_SIZE) - offset), disk);
return written;

+ 152
- 0
lsfs_string.h Bestand weergeven

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct lsfs_string {
bool dynamic;
unsigned int length;
char *chars;
} lsfs_string;
typedef struct lsfs_string_array {
unsigned int length;
lsfs_string *strings;
} lsfs_string_array;
static inline lsfs_string lsfs_make_id_string(uint64_t *id) {
return (lsfs_string){
.dynamic = false,
.length = sizeof(*id),
.chars = (char *)id
static inline lsfs_string lsfs_create_id_string(uint64_t id) {
uint64_t *id_ = malloc(sizeof(id));
*id_ = id;
return (lsfs_string){
.dynamic = true,
.length = sizeof(id),
.chars = (char *)id_
static inline lsfs_string lsfs_make_string(unsigned int length, const char *chars) {
return (lsfs_string){
.dynamic = false,
.length = length,
.chars = (char *)chars
static inline lsfs_string lsfs_make_string_c(const char *cstring) {
return lsfs_make_string(strlen(cstring), cstring);
static inline lsfs_string lsfs_create_string(unsigned int length, const char *chars) {
char *copy = malloc(length + 1); // Space for null terminator
memcpy(copy, chars, length);
copy[length] = '\0';
return (lsfs_string){
.dynamic = true,
.length = length,
.chars = copy
static inline lsfs_string lsfs_clone_string(lsfs_string string) {
return lsfs_create_string(string.length, string.chars);
static inline void lsfs_destroy_string(lsfs_string string) {
if(string.dynamic) free(string.chars);
static inline bool lsfs_string_equal(lsfs_string a, lsfs_string b) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
return strncmp(a.chars, b.chars, b.length) == 0;
lsfs_string_array lsfs_create_string_array(size_t array_size) {
lsfs_string_array result;
result.length = array_size;
result.strings = malloc(array_size * sizeof(lsfs_string));
return result;
static inline void lsfs_destroy_string_array(lsfs_string_array array) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
lsfs_string_array lsfs_string_split(lsfs_string string, char delim, bool keep_delim) {
unsigned int i;
unsigned int last;
unsigned int count = 0;
i = 0;
last = 0;
while(i < string.length) {
if (string.chars[i] == delim) {
if (i > last+1) {
last = i;
if (i > last+1) {
lsfs_string_array result = lsfs_create_string_array(count);
unsigned int insert_index = 0;
int k = keep_delim ? 0 : 1;
i = 0;
last = 0;
while(i < string.length) {
if (string.chars[i] == delim) {
if (i > last+1) {
result.strings[insert_index++] = lsfs_create_string(i-(last+k), string.chars+(last+k));
last = i;
if (i > last+1) {
result.strings[insert_index++] = lsfs_create_string(i-(last+k), string.chars+(last+k));
return result;
static inline lsfs_string_array lsfs_string_split_c(const char *string, char delim, bool keep_delim) {
return lsfs_string_split(lsfs_make_string_c(string), delim, keep_delim);
char *dbg_strarr(lsfs_string_array strings) {
static char temp[8192];
memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
int where = 0;
where += sprintf(temp+where, "{");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strings.length; ++i) {
where += sprintf(temp+where, "<'%.*s'>", strings.strings[i].length, strings.strings[i].chars);
where += sprintf(temp+where, "}");
return temp; // @Leak
