
Added lsfs vbr

Jørn Guldberg 3 年之前
共有 3 個文件被更改,包括 340 次插入108 次删除
  1. +96
  2. +8
  3. +236

+ 96
- 108
disk_manager_utility.c 查看文件

@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ int dmu_create_file_system(char* disk_name) {
printf("Create new disk img\n");
create_file_system(disk_name, hdd_or_partition, filesystem_size_in_MB);
printf("Disk is created as: %s\n", disk_name);
fclose (disk);
// TODO: Do you want to install SingOS:
@ -166,125 +167,112 @@ int dmu_print_mtt(char *path) {
return 1;
#if 0
int dmu_print_tag_table(lsfs_tag_id TagID) {
tag_record* tag_table = calloc(1, SECTOR_SIZE);
mif* mif_data = calloc(1, SECTOR_SIZE);
read_data_from_disk(TagID, tag_table);
printf("Tag Table for: %lu\n", TagID);
printf("\n|------------------------Tag Table--------------------------|\n");
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS_IN_TAG_TABLE; ++i) {
if (tag_table[i].mif_record == 0) {
read_data_from_disk(tag_table[i].mif_record, mif_data);
printf("|%-28lu|%-30s| \n", tag_table[i].mif_record, mif_data->filename);
return 1;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc > 1)
char chose[8];
while(strcmp(chose, "exit")) {
if(!disk_is_loaded) {
printf("Tag File System Utility\nMenu:\nc: Create new lsfs disk\nl: load disk\nEnter:");
else {
printf("Tag File System Utility\n"
"Disk loaded: %s\nMenu:\n"
"1: Print Directory table\n"
"2: (Not implemented) \n"
"3: Print File\n"
"4: (Not implemented)\n"
"5: Create New Directory\n"
"i: install Bootloader\n"
"v: install VBR\n"
"exit: exit program\n", loaded_disk_name);
scanf("%s", chose);
if (strcmp(chose, "c") == 0)
printf("\nCreate disk\nEnter filename:\n");
scanf("%s", loaded_disk_name);
else if(strcmp(chose, "l") == 0)
printf("\nLoad disk\nEnter filename:\n");
scanf("%s", loaded_disk_name);
else if(strcmp(chose, "i") == 0) {
printf("\nInstall Bootloader\nEnter filename:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
else if(strcmp(chose, "v") == 0) {
printf("\nInstall VBR\nEnter filename:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
else if(strcmp(chose, "1") == 0) {
// Print Directory:
printf("Enter Directory:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
else if(strcmp(chose, "3") == 0) {
// Print File
printf("Enter path:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
dmu_print_file( input_buffer );
else if(strcmp(chose, "5") == 0) {
printf("Enter Directory:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
int new_id = lsfs_disk_create_entry(input_buffer, ENTRY_DIRECTORY );
//lsfs_disk_write_data_to_file(new_id, strlen(new_file_data_d), new_file_data_d);
char chose[8];
while(strcmp(chose, "exit")) {
if(!disk_is_loaded) {
printf("Tag File System Utility\nMenu:\nc: Create new lsfs disk\nl: load disk\nEnter:");
else {
printf("Tag File System Utility\n"
"Disk loaded: %s\nMenu:\n"
"1: Print Directory table\n"
"2: (Not implemented) \n"
"3: Print File\n"
"4: (Not implemented)\n"
"5: Create New Directory\n"
"b: install Bootloader\n"
"v: install VBR\n"
"exit: exit program\n", loaded_disk_name);
scanf("%s", chose);
if (strcmp(chose, "c") == 0)
printf("\nCreate disk\nEnter filename:\n");
scanf("%s", loaded_disk_name);
else if(strcmp(chose, "l") == 0)
printf("\nLoad disk\nEnter filename:\n");
scanf("%s", loaded_disk_name);
else if(strcmp(chose, "b") == 0) {
printf("\nInstall Bootloader\nEnter filename:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
else if(strcmp(chose, "v") == 0) {
printf("\nInstall VBR\nEnter filename:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
else if(strcmp(chose, "1") == 0) {
// Print Directory:
printf("Enter Directory:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
else if(strcmp(chose, "3") == 0) {
// Print File
printf("Enter path:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
dmu_print_file( input_buffer );
else if(strcmp(chose, "5") == 0) {
printf("Enter Directory:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
int new_id = lsfs_disk_create_entry(input_buffer, ENTRY_DIRECTORY );
//lsfs_disk_write_data_to_file(new_id, strlen(new_file_data_d), new_file_data_d);
#if 0
else if(strcmp(chose, "2") == 0) {
// Print Master Tag Table
printf("Enter Tag ID:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
dmu_print_tag_table( (lsfs_tag_id) atoi(input_buffer) );
else if(strcmp(chose, "4") == 0) {
// Print Master Tag Table
printf("Enter Tag name:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
lsfs_disk_create_tag(input_buffer, false);
printf("Write data:\n");
char* new_file_data_d = calloc(1, 4096);
scanf("%s", new_file_data_d);
#if 0
else if(strcmp(chose, "2") == 0) {
// Print Master Tag Table
printf("Enter Tag ID:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
dmu_print_tag_table( (lsfs_tag_id) atoi(input_buffer) );
else if(strcmp(chose, "4") == 0) {
// Print Master Tag Table
printf("Enter Tag name:\n");
scanf("%s", input_buffer);
lsfs_disk_create_tag(input_buffer, false);
fclose (disk);
printf("Write data:\n");
char* new_file_data_d = calloc(1, 4096);
scanf("%s", new_file_data_d);
if(disk_is_loaded) {
fclose (disk);
return 0;

+ 8
- 0
lsfs_vbr/README.md 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Volume Boot Record
## For Less Simple FileSystem
This is the standard volume boot record for LSFS.
For now it loads a kernel at /kernel/kernel.bin. The kernel will start in 16-bit at location 0x2500:0000
The first 2048 bloks in LSFS is reserved for the VBR, and have an implementation of LSFS integrated which knows just enogh to
load the kernel from the path "kernel/kernel.bin" (as default).

+ 236
- 0
lsfs_vbr/vbr_lsfs.nasm 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
ORG 0x7c00
%define DISK_SERVICE 0x0050:0x0000
%define KERNEL 0x2500:0x0000 ;0x0050:0x0512
; Volume Boot Record
; This will start SingOS from the disk
; The disk format has to be LessSimpleFileSystem
; Loading /kernel/kernel.bin which should contain the kernel for the system
; Ensure that the data segment and extra segment is set to 0x00
mov ax, 0x00
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
; Setup stack
mov ax, 0x8fc0
mov ss, ax ; Set 'ss' to this location (the beginning of our stack region)
mov sp, 0xffff ; Set 'ss:sp' to the top of our 8K stack
mov bp, sp
mov [global_disk_identifier], dl ; saving disk_identifier, this is the number the disk that we are booting from.
; The system has to support int13 bios extended system calls, otherwise is SingOS not supporting the hardware.
mov ah, 0x41 ;Set AH = 0x41
mov bx, 0x55aa ;BX = 0x55AA
mov dl, [global_disk_identifier] ;DL = disk_id
int 0x13 ;Issue an INT 0x13.
jnc ext_disk_supported
; The System does support exented read write
mov si, vbr_lsfs_disk_error_msg
call 0x00:tmp_print
;Routine for printing a 'ax' as hex
;pusha ; save registers
;mov bx, ax
;mov ah, 0xE ; Teletype output
;mov cx, 4 ; 4 nipples in a 16 bit word
;rol bx, 4 ; rotate to next nipple
;mov al, bl ; we copy to al because we need to mask only the low 4 bits
;and al, 1111b ; Do the masking
;add al, '0' ; convert to ASCII
;cmp al, '9' ; If we are greater than 9 ascii, we add 7 to make digit 10 be represented as 'A'
;jbe .skip ; -|-
;add al, 7 ; -|-
;.skip: ; -|-
;int 0x10 ; BIOS call 'output'
;loop .loop
;popa ; restore registers
; Prints string in si
; IN si: zero terminated string to print
;mov ax, 0x7e55
;mov ax, si
;call 0x00:tmp_dumpax
mov ah, 0xE ; Specify 'int 0x10' 'teletype output' function
; [AL = Character, BH = Page Number, BL = Colour (in graphics mode)]
lodsb ; Load byte at address SI into AL, and increment SI
test al, al
jz .done ; If the character is zero (NUL), stop writing the string
int 0x10 ; Otherwise, print the character via 'int 0x10'
jmp .printchar ; Repeat for the next character
; loading essentials for SingOS to run
; starting by loading the rest of the VBR:
mov si, vbr_message
call 0x00:tmp_print
; The system is suportted
; We are now loading the kernel "/kernel/kernel.bin"
; ax = sector index for the FSCI that has to be loaded.
; bx = segment
;mov ax, [vbr_LBA_FSCI]
;mov bx, 0x00
;call lsfs_load_fsci_info;
; ax = filename
; bx = pointer to buffer
; cx = buffer_size
; dx = offset in file
; es = segment to read in data
;call lsfs_read_file
; ax preserved
; bx preserved
; cx preserved
; dx data read
; es = remember to restore es if this has to be saved.
mov ax, [vbr_LBA_address]
inc ax
mov dl, [global_disk_identifier]
mov WORD [DAPACK.lba_addr_dw_low], ax
mov WORD [DAPACK.blkcnt], 0x10
mov WORD [DAPACK.db_addr_segment], 0x7e0
mov WORD [DAPACK.db_addr_offset], 0x00
mov si, DAPACK ; address of "disk address packet"
mov ah, 0x42 ; READ
mov dl, [global_disk_identifier]
int 0x13
mov cx, [vbr_LBA_FSCI]
mov bx, ds
mov ax, 0x1
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov cx, 0x7e0
mov ds, cx
mov es, cx
call 0x7e0:0x00
add sp, 0x6 ; skip the paramerts
mov cx, 0x0
mov ds, cx
mov es, cx
; Set the Parameter_Struct
mov ax, lsfs_path
mov [Parameter_Struct.path], ax
mov WORD [Parameter_Struct.buffer_segment], 0x50
mov WORD [Parameter_Struct.buffer_address], 0x00
mov WORD [Parameter_Struct.buffer_size], 0xFFFF
mov WORD [Parameter_Struct.byte_offset_into_file], 0x00
mov cx, Parameter_Struct
mov bx, ds
mov ax, 0x2
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov cx, 0x7e0
mov ds, cx
mov es, cx
call 0x7e0:0x00
add sp, 0x6 ; skip the paramerts
mov cx, 0x0
mov ds, cx
mov es, cx
; Set the Parameter_Struct
mov ax, kernel_path
mov [Parameter_Struct.path], ax
mov WORD [Parameter_Struct.buffer_segment], 0x2500
mov WORD [Parameter_Struct.buffer_address], 0x00
mov WORD [Parameter_Struct.buffer_size], 0xFFFF
mov WORD [Parameter_Struct.byte_offset_into_file], 0x00
mov cx, Parameter_Struct
mov bx, ds
mov ax, 0x2
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov cx, 0x7e0
mov ds, cx
mov es, cx
call 0x7e0:0x00
add sp, 0x6 ; skip the paramerts
mov cx, 0x0
mov ds, cx
mov es, cx
; ready to jump to the kernel
xor bx, bx
mov al, 0x48
mov ah, 0x0E
int 0x10
mov bx, [vbr_LBA_FSCI]
mov dl, [global_disk_identifier]
.dap_Size: db 0x10 ; This is always 16 bytes (0x10)
.rev_byte: db 0x0 ; reserved byte, should always be zero
.blkcnt: dw 0x0 ; int 13 resets this to # of blocks actually read/written
.db_addr_offset: dw 0x0 ; memory buffer destination address (0:7c00)
.db_addr_segment: dw 0x0 ; in memory page zero
.lba_addr_dw_low: dd 0x0 ; put the lba to read in this spot
.lba_addr_dw_high: dd 0x0 ; more storage bytes only for big lba's ( > 4 bytes )
.path dw 0x00 ; char*
.new_path dw 0x00 ; char*
.buffer_segment dw 0x00 ; int
.buffer_address dw 0x00 ; int
.buffer_size dw 0x00 ; int
.data_length dw 0x00 ; int
.byte_offset_into_file dw 0x00 ; int
.entry_kind dw 0x00 ; Table_Entry_Kind
global_disk_identifier db 0
vbr_message db 'VBR: Less Simple File System', 13, 10, 'Loading system', 13, 10, 0
vbr_lsfs_disk_error_msg db 0 ;'The system does not support disk operations', 0
lsfs_path db '/kernel/utils/lsfs.bin', 0
kernel_path db '/kernel/kernel.bin', 0
times 446-($-$$) db 0
vbr_size_in_bytes dw 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ; size of the VBR in secotrs (Such that we can load the rest of the VBR)
vbr_LBA_address dw 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ; Abselout LBA adress of this VBR, such that we know where to find the FSCI (offset 1MB)
vbr_LBA_FSCI dw 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0x1818; Signature, homemade, sshould it be 0xAA55?
; rest of VBR, which has to be loaded in the first part of the VBR
;%include "filesystems/lsfs/lsfs.nasm"
incbin "disk.out"
; By specification the max size can be 1MB of the compiled file.
